
Essay about Women´s Language: A History of Indian-English Women Writers

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Women’s Language: A history of Indian-English Women Writers.

“Women have burnt like beacons in all the works of all the poets from the beginning of time. Indeed if woman had no existence save in the fiction written by men, one would imagine her a person of the utmost importance; very various; heroic and mean; splendid and sordid; beautiful and hideous in the extreme; as great as a man, some would say greater. But this is woman in fiction. In fact, as Professor Trevelyan points out, she was locked up, beaten and flung about the room. A very queer, composite being thus emerges. Imaginatively she is of the highest importance; practically she is completely insignificant. She pervades poetry from cover to cover; she is all but absent from …show more content…

The most prominent example that we can see is in the work Samskara of U.R.Ananthamurthy. His portrayal of Chandri, Belli or Padmavati as silently accepting of men’s sexual advances without protest underlines the systematic erasure of a woman’s subjectivity; there is no space for the articulation of either her protest or her consent. Her being a woman, the existence of her body is consent enough, his writing expounds. It is this lacuna in the language whether English, Tamil or any other that Cixious and Irigaray says is symptomatic of the fact that the “masculine, rational” language can not be the vehicle of expression for women. A new language needs to be created to portray this new, liberated woman. In the book ‘The New Woman in Indian English Writers Since the 1970’s’ Vijaylakshmi Sheshadri charts out the history of women’s writing and how it was compared to standard (patriarchal) ideals of the Pativrata image of women influenced by Classical Indian literature. Those that deviated from the established code were either marginalised or severely criticised.

Sheshadri talks about a new image of the woman or a new woman needing a new writing which is not part of the dominant hegemony; a writing that is for women and portrays this new women in all her possibilities and unforeseen new identity. However she equates the new image of

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