
Women 's Equal Rights Amendment

Better Essays

Campaigning for the Equal Rights Amendment in the early twentieth century, women found it particularly difficult to have their efforts opposed by other women. One of the hovering questions that went along with the proposal of the amendment was whether those supporting equality for women, advocating the equality of opportunity, would also support the enablement of women to be freely different from men without consequence. There were passionate feelings on both sides of the arguments and this debate brought into focus many questions about equality. Despite the magnificent accomplishments of all the movements and efforts of women, complete gender equality had yet to be achieved.
The Equal Rights Amendment had been a major cause controversy after its initial proposal in the early nineteenth century. Feminists of that time found it especially painful when some of their fellow women opposed the amendment. The conflict focused on whether the proposal would completely fulfill the needs of women, give them more opportunities, and allow women to flourish not just in the workplace but also in all aspects of society. Despite a heavy opposition by both women and men, the National Women’s Party introduced the amendment to the Constitution in 1923. The main intentions of this movement included a resolution to the paradox of an oppressed minority. The amendment was not created to change the public’s values but to modify its behavior, much like the Fourteenth Amendment. Its purpose was to

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