“Miss Representation” is a documentary film that is made by Jennifer Seibel Newsom. This film talks about many issues from the roles of females in politics, and the ways in which media negatively impacts women. The film examines how the media have contributed to the underrepresentation of women. Therefore, eventually, the film is persuading people to be open-minded, and study how media affects our perception, judgment, and behaviors. The targeted audience of this film is all people who live in America. People should be convinced to change their mind about stereotypes on women. Jennier effectively convinces the audience that the mainstream media has mainly contributed to the under-representation of women through the use of statements claimed …show more content…
Women often appear with glamorous image on advertisements, movies. However, there are also a lot of pictures to make women soured and routine such as women in the party, velvet erotic games, etc. By taking advantage of beautiful pictures, sexy women in the media seems to make the value of women become simply. People have acknowledging that women typically only have to dep, sexy, attractive, and space for recreation. Indeed, they hardly enhance the value of women. I am really shocked to find that most of social media is making people less interested in the intelligence, curved bar, and a lot of good things that women had not simply outward beauty. The media just give people that the public wants to. The film really makes the viewer think about the true value of women in the media and society. In addition, the film effectively appeals to the audience’s emotions and empathy. Throughout the film, the writer mentions her unborn daughter and her fear of whether her daughter “could grow up to be emotionally healthy and fulfilled given our moder culture.” She mentions that becoming pregnant and discovering her child was a girl is the reason she started looking to make a change in the way society and media sees women. This is an appeal to anyone who has a daughter or wants to have a daughter. They hope that people will want to make changes, just like the narrator did, for the future of the …show more content…
For instance, one of the cast members is Condoleezza Rice, Ph.D, the Former US Secretary of the State, Senior Fellow of Hoover Institution, and Professor of Political Economy at Stanford University. As the first African women who served as the Secretary of the House, she gained her experiences in the politics and raised her voice to protect the rights of American women. In other words, Condoleezza Rice implies that the women’s rights will be only listened and protected through the presence of women in leadership positions. The background knowledge of Condoleezza Rice has made her statement become credible and believable; hence, the audience are easily persuaded when they watch the
In Miss Representation, many female actresses, news anchors, politicians, directors and producers talk about how females suffer a lot of social, political and economic inequalities in today’s society. There are double standards against women in magazines, on TV, in movies, the news, politics, and the workplace. The media is an influential part of modern culture. When women are portrayed as objects for men to use -- never as the protagonist or president -- and when female news anchors are objectified, this will cause girls of all ages to begin viewing themselves as objects. Girls grow up in a world where their voice does not count; where our culture does not embrace them in all of their diversities, where
Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s documentary, Miss Representation, shows that the media’s impact on the American discourse of women’s bodies, women in power, and the same standards of what women should be. Newsom effectively convinces the audience of Miss Representation that how mainstream media contributes to the misrepresentation of women in influential positions by having limited portrayals of women through the use of interviews from influential people, several statistics, and appealing to emotional sense.
The Miss Representation documentary film by Jennifer Newsom explores how media contributes to the under-representation of women in influential positions. This message is portrayed by delivering content through media and technology as well as advertising partial and/or often degrading interpretations of women. The consequences are becoming more and more dreadful. In today’s world, composed of a million stations, people will tend to do more and more shocking things to break through the crowds. They resort to violent, sexually offensive, or demeaning images. Jean Kilbourne, EdD, filmmaker, Killing Us Softly Author and Senior Scholar Wellesley Center’s for Women states, that “it creates a climate in which
The Netflix documentary Miss Representation by Jennifer Siebel Newsom explores how the media contributes to influence the young girls and boys in America. Every day in America we are showed this unrealistic look of what the so-called perfect image of women is supposed to be from the TV shows we watch, the movies we see, to the magazines we read, to the online social media outlets we visit. This documentary shows the negative effects it's having on teenage boys and girls in America, Miss Representation interweaves between the stories of teenage girls, telling their own experiences and how the media has portrayed the image of women to them. They share their stories from pressures they feel they have to live up too from how the media shows them
Jennifer Siebel Newsom produced a film called “Miss Representation”. This film focuses on the pervasiveness and the persuasiveness of media in reinforcing gender stereotypes regarding roles, physical traits such as beauty and sexuality, and intangibles such as power and strength. This documentary’s main point is how the media portrays woman in society. To back up this clause, the documentary actually demeans women since “Women hold only 3% of clout positions in telecommunications, (…) and advertising” and “comprise only 16% of all writers, directors”. It exposes that women don’t have any position in the world. According to Caroline Heldman, when little girls and boys are seven years old, they have the same chance to be a president. However,
Although “Miss Representation” uses critical arguments towards the media and society and how their advertisements and comments and judgemental critics it fails to show some aspects that would have contributed to the documentary dramatically. What really is not seen or used in “Miss Representation” is women with disabilities: for example, whose extensive exclusions by the mainstream media and advertisers contribute extensively towards the discrimination those women experience on a daily basis, because their capabilities and intelligence are undervalued or just outright removed. The majority of women seen in the documentary are a large amount of privileged caucasian women doing most of the speaking in the film, which means people do not see a
Can you imagine what females could accomplish if they spent as much time volunteering to local charities as they did worrying about their physical appearance? So many dreams, goals, and aspirations are thrown away because of something as simple as low self-esteem. The film Miss Representation focuses on that exact social issue. Various people come together in this documentary to tackle the matter of gender stereotyping through the media. We will cover gender stereotypes, the role media plays in shaping them, and what can be done.
Miss Representation: Essay A stereotypical representation of how women are over sexualised in the American media is presented in the documentary of Miss Representation. We see stereotypes of women being viewed as bitchy, catty and only useful in media texts as sexualised objects. The American mass media bombard the market with sexual imagery of women by cramming the media with unrealistic manipulated images of women whom sadly appeal to the youth of not only the American population, but also all other countries that consume that media. This affects most of the American population, especially girls, by subconsciously pressuring them into thinking that these manipulated images are ideal and if you don’t look like how society wants you to look,
The documentary “Miss Representation” delves into how the media and society. The viewer is exposed to how the media builds an expectation of how women should look and act. When the media portrays women as the perfect weight, height, and behavior for the target audience, it lowers the self-esteem of the females watching that cannot hope to compare to a fictional character. Men exposed to these types of advertisement and entertainment are taught to objectify women. It distorts societies and male expectations of how real women should look and behave. The documentary also discusses the lack of female protagonists in television and movies. There is a distinct lack of female heroines in our world today. This shortage further diminishes the hopes
The trailer of the documentary film “Miss Representation” produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom covers the topic of how media contributes to the undermining of women to hold influential positions and creating sexism. The trailer starts off with statistic facts about the time the average person spends on different types of media a day such as watching television, reading magazines, browsing the internet, etc. It follows with a claim that every type of media always sexualizes women, resulting in people to think that the only thing that matters about women is their looks. This is then backed by a couple of examples where media bashed on some of the famous women that achieved high political or social status. One of the extreme examples was how a Fox News’
The lack of representation showed in media scope of women’s issues relating to deceivability and precision of such media pictures is a typical topic. Deceivability infers the amount of the scope as well as additionally how the press outlines that scope. While women have turned out to be more noticeable as far as the amount of scope than previously, the confinement of the messages encompassing female political figures remains. The media portrays women and movie stars the same way as it portrays females in government. A woman’s body and appearance are exploited for
The media is a large part in the outburst of wrong messages being sent about women in
In the early 21st century, the position of women in the world is greatly improved but gender equality remains a major problem of humanity. Today, gender discrimination is still occurring around the world. Women still do most the housework and take care of their child more than men. Besides that, media has huge influence on all social problems. It impacts on the public perception, from awareness to action and impact on the public's behavior. According to the trailer of Miss Presentation movie, people can explore the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and how challenges of media can limit the powerful woman. On average, each American citizen spend around ten hours per day for the media. Number of TV
The message that was presented in the video “Miss Representation” was that the media is a powerful tool to shape the world. However, the media has been utilized not for the benefit of human being instead in the most negative way that anyone can possibly think of. It has indeed shape the representation of women globally in this generation. It degenerated the name of woman and what they are capable in this world whether they are use for political, and/or economical. The trailer for Miss Representation presented this powerful message through the usage of a video of selected people being interviewed about feminism and the cruelty that they endure during the twentieth century. This highly sensitive message in the video of Miss representation is
“People learn more from media than any other single source of information” (Missrepresentation). This quote exemplifies how society learns and creates their standards about people, places, and things. All sources and mediums of media impact billions of lives every day. The media holds this power over society and it’s time to change that; especially when it comes to the media’s view of women. Women are constantly being misrepresented. This misrepresentation of women in the media is negatively impacting America by corrupting both the youth and adults. This is occurring because of the hyper-sexualization of women, wrongly portraying women in leadership positions, and creating stereotypes of women in movies and television.