Requirement III. "With Christ in the School of Prayer" by Andrew Murray; Chapter Summarization.
Chapter 1: "The Only Teacher" Text: Luke 11:1 The Lord Jesus is the only teacher of true prayer and of its strategies and pleas. He alone can show ous how to reach Heaven with our supplications. He would know, having now been on both the sending and receiving end of prayer. When a person wants to learn a profession, and wants to learn it to perfection, he does not go to his best friend, a family member, or even a person who has any limit of experience in the matter. He finds the Master of the said profession and learns of him until all that can be learned is learned. So it is with prayer. We must go to Jesus, the Master of prayer, if we are to
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Where I shut out all distractions and set myself aside for a time and spend time with my Father who longs to spend time with me. Again, I cannot pray because I feel I can pray, but because God has granted me access in the Spirit to my Father through prayer. I have nothing to offer God in prayer, but he has blessing in store for me as I come to him in secret, inner chamber prayer. The promise of my Father's knowledge of my needs is an precious thought. He knows all my needs, and longs to meet them for me in his great love. He is simply waiting for me to come to him in total dependence and trust for my needs. The greatest need of all, our need for God himself, is met when we set time aside to spend with him alone.
Chapter 4: "The Model Prayer" Text: Matthew 6:9 We find in this chapter teaching on what is known as the Lord's Prayer, the model that the Lord Jesus left to be used to get ahold of him. We know that it works, or Jesus wold have left something different. We know that he wanted us to use it, because he tells us to pray often, and he said to pray in this manner. We know he does not just want us to repeat it like the catholics repeat prayers or chant it like heathens do, because he tells us not to pray like that, and he himself prays different words many times, not to mention all the times the apostles prayed. This
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We cannot love God as we ought. Finally to dwell with the Father as his child is to love the Father with all of our hearts, and to have his love dwelling in us. We must ask God to help us realize the expanse of our Father's love, for it is great. We must call out in sincerity and dependence, "Abba, Father."
Chapter 7: "The All-Comprehensive Gift" Text: Luke 11:13 We see here how Jesus refers to his model prayer for us, and the parables associated with it, and than changes the wording, and shows us the truth of the greatest of gifts given to us through prayer, the Holy Spirit. We see how God gives us this gift because all other good gifts are comprised in the Holy Ghost, and if we are to ever be like the Father and ever hope to please the Father, we must have the Holy Spirit doing its work in our lives. The Spirit is how God makes us more like him and more like his Son day by day. Such a wonderful gift that contains so much and is found only with the Father, is certainly the first gift we should seek from the Father. If we submit ourselves to the Spirit, then as he works, he will make us to be more like the Lord Jesus. Day by day he bestows the gifts only he can truly supply. These gifts are found exclusively as we submit to the Spirit's
Prayer connects us to the heart of God and allows God to transform us. This book was not like another praying book I read that left me feeling guilty about my prayer life but it instead improved my prayer life. Major Themes: Learning to Pray like a Child
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy Your consolations. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The Spirit here contrasts with flesh whose characteristic is inertia, lack of power, such as can only be removed by the Spirit of God” (pg. 17). He then moves to the new Testament with “The Spirit of Christ,” as his next area of doctrinal truth.
In this area of the book, he explains that so many times we, as believers in Christ, ask for things that we already possess. We ask for strength, power, blessing, favor, peace, joy and His presence. When in reality we have possessed those powers and blessings from the moment that we accepted Christ. “God’s divine power has granted to us everything pertaining life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Being a follower of Christ and asking for God’s presence is essentially like being a tall glass asking for water when there is a water bottle right next to us.
The solitary prayers that Jesus did, gave him metaphysical power and charismatic character, and in the New Testament it is evident that Jesus was doing the works he was meant to do and had the power to do.
The various gifts of the Holy Spirit as listed in Scripture are conveyed according to the will of the Holy Spirit to every man for the eventual purpose of the edification and building up the church body.
He expects us to pray to Him to give us strength and courage, so we can use it to glorify Him and spread his word. We need to ask him for courage, not just rely on our own strength. If we rely on ourselves to be courageous, we are bound for failure. But also are drifting from Jesus- the only one who can save us. So the lesson here is to rely on Jesus to give us courage and bravery to do His will. We can’t expect that we will be alright with little fears by
The Holy Spirit’s gift of counsel has given me the ability to see the best way to follow God’s plan. By receiving the Eucharist, Jesus Christ shares a love with us that is too great to keep to ourselves. By serving our families, friends, and all of those in our community, we are building up the Kingdom of God. He Holy Spirit gave the gift of wisdom to me at baptism so that I may recognize the importance of keeping God central in our lives. To build up the kingdom of God, I must be patient in order to display the peace of Christ.
The Holy Spirit plays a very vital role in the lives of each and every believer; He can strengthen us with a strength that we cannot even begin to muster up in ourselves. He can bring us joy that we cannot even begin to find in the things of this world. He can bring peace to our lives more than anything that we can ever find on this earth. “The Holy Spirit which is primarily an energizing process, is also a revealing, refining, consuming, illuminating process, and one by which we are made to glow with love to God, and love to man, and love to souls.”
Now the Holy Spirit takes you and puts you into Jesus when you come to Him. "Nobody can come to Me, except the Father draws him." And who draws him is the Holy Spirit.
But who is this Holy Spirit? The Spirit is God the re-creator. The Holy Spirit is God working within us, doing the work of transformation. God doesn 't just tell us what He wants us to be. That 's the work of the Father. He doesn’t even show us what he wants us to be, for that is the work of Christ Jesus, the Son. God actually is within us, around us in our every life experience, molding each one of us into what He wants us to be; this is the work of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit in one’s life, it is difficult to seek and observe the words of God, the teachings of Christ the Son, for the knowledge of the Father and Son is through the gift of the Holy Spirit. David Benner provides words of wisdom saying: “the truth you seek is not hidden from you; you simply do not notice it. It is here for you if only you would awake.” Therefore this presentation will attempt to provide some insight and awareness on the “Holy Spirit in the experiences” of life
First, he grounds the use of all the gifts in the Lordship of Jesus Christ (“Therefore... no one speaking in the Spirit...”1 Cor. 1:3). Here, it is seen that the “gift and gifts of the Spirit serve as the external manifestation of the triumph and enthronement of Christ.”4 Furthermore, in 1 Cor. 1:7-11, the point is made that the “exercise of any gift of the Spirit is the ministry of the word given to God’s people,” and that “the ministry of God’s revelatory word is central to the use of all other gifts... they give expression to that word in various ways.”5 This is why, in an eclectic grouping of the various giftings (found in 1 Cor. 12:8-11, 1 Cor. 12:28, Rom. 12:6-8, Eph. 4:11, and 1 Pet. 4:11), the work of the ministry of the word of God is paramount, that is, “the revelatory word through the apostle and prophet is foundational, while all else is informed by and flows from this.”6
He then talks about what a Spirit filled temperament should be like. Jesus is our example of what a spirit-controlled man should be. He had no weaknesses, only strengths. He talks about each one of the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness, and self-control. He talks about how Satan tries to keep people from receiving Christ as their Savior, and if he doesn’t succeed in this, he tries to keep Christians from understanding the importance of the Holy Spirit.
When an individual comes to faith in Christ he or she is not left alone to battle the struggles of sin, lead people to Jesus, experience heartache and sorrow, find God’s will, or live a life that is pleasing and honoring to the Lord. No, Christians are given an awesome gift that cannot be purchased or earned. Believers are blessed with the gift of a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 14:16, “ And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.”(ESV) Sadly, many believers do not have a correct understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, or what He does. The purpose of this paper is define the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
Having been a Christian for many years I thought that I had a fair knowledge of what it meant to pray. I was amazed and humbled by the idea that through Jesus’ restorative act on the cross I am able to come into God’s presence - and not only come but be welcomed and even longed for. I believed that prayer is a powerful tool to petition God , a vehicle to praise Him , and an instrument to increase our intimacy with Him . I understood that people pray in a variety of ways, based on the teaching they have received, their experience, and even their personality. Most commonly, I engaged in prayer as a conversation with God.