
Personal Statement: The Last Sacrament Of Confirmation

Satisfactory Essays

I am Brianne Turner, a confirmation candidate. I have been preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation for the past two years. The catholic faith has been so strong with my mother’s family that it is such an important part of my life. I feel lucky to have been raised in such a loving family with two parents, two sisters, and two dogs. My whole family has helped me on my journey to eighth grade where I will finally be confirmed. Confirmation is the last Sacrament of Initiation. Through baptism and communion, my parents helped me down a path following Jesus. This year, for confirmation, I will finally get to say that I have chosen to lead a life with God and the holy church. Receiving confirmation is very important to me because it allows me to choose to follow Jesus based on my understanding of our faith rather than my parents making the choice for me. I have prepared for confirmation by attending mass, praying every day, and by taking religion classes. Attending mass is important because it gives me the chance to deepen my connection with God in a sacred space. I enjoy hearing the parables and gospels from the bible, as they help e learn more about the history of Jesus Christ and our faith. I pray every day …show more content…

The Holy Spirit’s gift of counsel has given me the ability to see the best way to follow God’s plan. By receiving the Eucharist, Jesus Christ shares a love with us that is too great to keep to ourselves. By serving our families, friends, and all of those in our community, we are building up the Kingdom of God. He Holy Spirit gave the gift of wisdom to me at baptism so that I may recognize the importance of keeping God central in our lives. To build up the kingdom of God, I must be patient in order to display the peace of Christ. I must also pray before, during, and after each opportunity I have to lead others to Jesus and the

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