
Witch 's Reveal Band Of Heroes

Decent Essays

Witch’s Reveal Band of Heroes

Scene: Boom! Crash! A lightning flash, was all that was heard as the scorched earth stood still and the group of Heroes were cast from the dark, dense, dull forest into a secluded canyon of sandstone.

Thud! Thud! Thud!
Argh! Was all that was heard as the first hero slowly got up and carried himself over to the other half-conscious members of his group. Softly he shook his compatriots who both arguably refused to respond. Slap! The noise of his hand hitting across skin echoed throughout the canyon. Abruptly both compatriots with matching marks across their face rose up.

Hero 1: Good evening, Edgar and Antonio.

Edgar: As to you, Cato, now would you mind telling me, why
I happen to have a mark …show more content…

Cato: Ha, hags, they art just villainous hell-hat 'd clack-dish.

Antonio: Quiet they may beest listening.

Edgar: Aye, because they art just so interest 'd in a few nay magics lifes.

Cato: Oh aye thou art so right Edgar.

Antonio: Alas of both of thee, dont scream at which hour the hags cometh f 'r thee.

Cato & Edgar: Tis, we will.

Time lapse from mid morning to sunset.

Antonio: Soon 'twill beest twilight so let us stand ho and setteth up camp.

Cato: i shall setteth off on a short hunt one hour at most cometh behold if 't be true im not back.

Edgar: Aye,well enow we shall, in the cullionly time i shall setteth fire and findeth some ferns and berries.

Edgar: can thee holp me Antonio after thou art done gathering water fresh from the storm.

Antonio: Certainly.

Switch of Pov.
As soon as Cato he saw a herd of wild buffalo, that were perhaps out to drink the water left from the storm he thought it was a definite win. the only problem was capturing one as he only had a short copper dagger and a short supply of arrows. Either way he got out his bow and started aiming.

As Cato focused his aim on a buffalo by the edge of a river, and was about to release his arrow he felt a sudden chill of air which made him accidently shoot the arrow into the water alarming the buffalo and in a few seconds caused it to run which attracted the attention of the other buffalos which began to run as well until none were left.

Cato let down by his false hope

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