
Willful Ignorance In Lewis Carroll's Alice Through The Looking Green

Decent Essays

“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done,” expressed by the American writer and poet, Henry Longfellow. In a like manner, Lewis Carroll an American writer published a work titled “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” which addresses the different views of social behavior. This particular source suggests the overall idea of perception through a fantasy land with Alice, the main character embarking on a new journey. Alice is aware that she is in a new place, however, chooses to not make it her priority. That idea of choosing to not make something a priority when you know that it’s a significant issue is called willful ignorance, which is how the majority of the public within the United …show more content…

However, a majority of Americans still don’t perceive volunteering as an issue and the reason for this is our thought process. Our thought process is controlled through perception, which motivates a deeper idea which we tend to act upon. Imagine if everyone perceived volunteering as necessary, people would come together as a whole and volunteer in different areas, changing the world through selfless acts. Volunteering First, and foremost, volunteering was established on the principles that a volunteer is someone who participates in an activity without doing it to survive (Bio-socially determined), or for economic gain, but does it for greater than a market value effect. Therefore, no incentive is offered for engaging in volunteering activity whether that means money, vacations, or other bonuses. Although, there are a large number of people who …show more content…

Rather, informing people of their options seems like the only viable solution to changing the world through the lifestyle approach method. For instance, according to a recent survey of American workers by Accounting Principals, “Americans who regularly buy coffee throughout the week spend on average, $1,092 on coffee annually” (Muniz). The spending of a luxury like coffee daily seems absurd when comparing the population of people in poverty in the United States “an estimated 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure” (What). To put in perspective that the 43.1 million people could have food, water, and shelter the basic necessities needed to live. If we just skipped the daily coffee and perhaps drank water instead. This type of action is described as volunteering and just one person’s contribution saves their whole country. Now picture, each person accomplishing the same thing, economical issues would cease to exist since the temptation would cease to exist. Sounds simple, yet people who are in higher ranks would have more to give up compared to a person who owns nothing of value. If the model were applied drastic changes would come about over a long period of time. Ultimately, the choice comes down to the people. The options are available, however, will someone choose to change their

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