
Tri City Volunteer Analysis

Decent Essays

Since my arrival in the United States I have never been to volunteer organization before, but all it changes when I come to the Tri City Volunteers. Tri-City Volunteer “is a non-profit organization that provides food assistance and low-cost clothing and household items to the residents of Alameda County.” Our group, The Ace, choose Tri-City Volunteer based on the recommendation of my team member. It is located on Fremont, 18.3 mile away from my home. I had to took an Uber there because I do not have a car. I arrived early in the morning to pack all the ingredients that were given by the donors. Volunteers are people who came there regularly. Most the people there had 1.000 hours of volunteers. Moreover, there two special groups which always there to help volunteer which are the autism group and the deaf group. Even Though, they were not paid, but they still love to help other people. This is the sensation that people who volunteer looking …show more content…

The intrinsic of motivation is a type of motivation that focusing on the internal rewards compare to the external rewards such as money. People who have intrinsic motivation will be more likely to enjoy their work because their doing it out of burdens. According to Kendra Cherry From intrinsic motivation “ Activities can generate such feelings when they give people a sense of meaning like to participate in volunteer or church events. They may also give you a sense of progress when you see that your work is accomplishing something positive or competence when you learn something new or become more skilled at a task.” Most of the retired people who worked there are attaining the feeling that they are doing something good for others and making their life more meaningful. By having the intrinsic motivation volunteer are making them feel better to go on with their

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