
Why You Shouldn T Recycle Research Paper

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Would you like to live in a filthy atmosphere or do you prefer to breathe fresh air? You decide. Recycling is collecting, separating, and recreating used materials into new products. Most people do not recycle because they do not have the time, or they're lazy, or they just don’t care about saving the environment period. The United States only recycles about “34.3%” (Municipal Solid waste) of their trash, average trash that one person makes a day is about “4.5” (Major Waste Disposal) pounds that’s a lot. We all should recycle every day because you may never know that might be a valuable resource one day in the future or a new invention or even a new job one day. You may think it's just trash, but it can be that valuable, but no it's trash now but once recycled it's new again and be used to create something new. It does not have to be just paper trash even tho that is one of the biggest things that needs to be recycled but there is metal, glass , paper, and wood you name it, it can be recycled somewhere and used again for something else. What happens after you recycle well it gets broken down and recreated into …show more content…

How you get paid is by how much it weighs and if they are in need of that material that you brung in sometimes they don’t need it as much so it's not worth much, but other days it may be worth a lot because it's in need. It's not always about the money tho it’s about protecting this earth for the greater good of the future, it may even make you feel very proud about yourself just because you know that you just made a small difference in the world. Did you know about “75%” (American Chemistry Council) of the United States recycle their trash, which only means 25% of the country does not that's pretty good. There should still be more people recycling because there is about “ 4

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