
Why You Should Know Your Clothes Come From Essay

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This piece entitled Why You Should Know Where Your Clothes Come From is one published by a niche sustainable fashion and lifestyle online magazine called Who What Where. It sets out to do just what the title promised by trying to educate readers about the importance of knowing the process by which their clothing is made and distributed. In order to achieve this task the author, Jessica Schiffer, interviewed Maxine Bédat, the co-founder of Zady, an increasingly popular sustainable fashion and lifestyle brand. Together they assessed the current state of fast fashion, the large and frantically growing market for clothing and accessory items, as well as the popular mega chains that fuel this system. The article as a whole sets out to inform more than persuade and is divided into pockets of information given by Bédat based on the interview questions the author asks. Essentially, this piece seeks to convince through providing information. The target audience for this piece is broad; it is us, the consumers who buy these clothing, and unknowingly, or unwillingly supports this system that is described as having devastating effects both socially and environmentally. This topic, whilst burdensome to look into is important for various reasons. Fashion is something that affects each of us on varying levels, whether you’re just buying a shirt for an upcoming interview or selecting choice pieces for your extensive collection. Clothes are important; they say a lot about who you are, or at

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