
Ethical Issues in the Fashion Industry Essay

Decent Essays

Fashion is everything to society and the media. The fashion industry has transformed into a necessity in the life of people. Everyone wants to look good, feel fabulous and feel as if we belong with everyone else. The envy and desire to wear certain things and look a certain way all come, from wearing the latest fashion handbags, accessories, dresses, shoes, and the list goes on. But, when is considering fashion into an individual’s life going too far to the extreme? Many do not consider the whereabouts of fashion materials and how the environment is affected by the mere existence of certain garments. Some may believe these objects grow on trees. But that is clearly not the case. Even though it would be nice. The fashion industry as a …show more content…

2005). Exposure to the contamination can lead to future health issues. For instance, the development to brain tumors, brain cancers, kidney cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia as well as reproductive effects such as birth defects, fetal death, and intrauterine growth retardation. This is just one of the many problematic issues pertaining materials used for clothing. Not much people know, but polyester is also very harmful. The raw material itself is used to produce polyester oil. Unfortunately, oil belongs to the non-renewable category. With oil as one of the top resources needed in the world, polyester production is not sustainable. It is also non-biodegradable. In other words, oil is not decomposable. So when these textiles end up in a land-fill, it will remain there for a long period of time. About twelve billion pounds of post consumer textiles waste ends up in land-fills every year and half of them are polyester. In addition to the prominent environmental problems originating from pollution created in the production process, a case has been reported that an inland sea turned into a desert because of a re-routing of water to nearby cotton farmlands. Obviously, for our future generations as well as the sustainable development of the fashion industry, we must pay full attention to establishing an ethical

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