
Why We Should Be Responsible For Bullying Outside Of School

Decent Essays

Parents beg their schools to help their poor, innocent sons and daughters who get bullied constantly, inside and outside of school. They plead their cases and ask their schools for assistance, but every time the school says, “Didn’t happen here. We can’t help.” The problem is these children need support, and their schools should be able to give it to them. Educators should be responsible for bullying that occurs outside of school because they are held accountable for the health and happiness of their students, bullying online can be dragged onto school grounds, and a child being bullied outside of school can affect their performance inside of school. To start, school officials are responsible for the health and happiness of their students. …show more content…

In an article from the New York Times by Jan Hoffman the author includes a study from 2010 done by the Cyberbullying Research Center that stated one in five middle school students have been affected by bullying. If all these students are being bullied outside of school their performance in school can be drastically affected. Opposers to this argument may say that the school’s main job is to teach, not monitor bullying. In the article by Ellen Sher it is stated that schools are about education and teaching students, not about solving crimes committed outside of school. However, this information is incorrect because the bullying can affect the way a student performs in school, disrupting the educational atmosphere. Once again the school needs to get involved, even though the bullying has occurred off of school grounds. All in all, schools should be responsible for bullying that occurs outside of the classroom. This is due to the fact that educators should be held accountable for the happiness and health of their students. Also, bullying online or outside of school can be dragged into school, affecting students in class, the lunchroom, and even in the hallways. Finally, bullying can affect a child emotionally, affecting their performance in school, and disrupting their education. So, next time a parent begs for the school to help their sons and daughters, listen. You could save a

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