
Should The State Or Federal Government Put Laws?

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Should the state or federal government put laws in school to prevent bullying? “With ignorance comes fear, from fear comes bigotry. Education is the key to acceptance”. Kathleen Patel. Bullying can take place in or out of school and in person or through other means of communication. Bullying can be verbal or physical, and when physical, it can be directed against a person, a person’s property, or be used to intimidate, rather than inflict damage to the person or his or her property. Verbal bullying can include name calling threatening or teasing someone or making obscene remarks or spreading rumors about someone. Bullying can be peer to peer or be done by younger people to older people or vice versa. There are many causes in which the government should put laws to prevent bullying. Make children safe in school, eliminate hostile environment and prevent suicides are the three causes for the state or federal government to put laws in school to prevent bullying.
One important cause for the state or federal government to put laws in school to prevent bullying is make children safer in school. Temkin (2003) writes about the intention of the Senator Bob Casey want to introduce the Safe Schools Improvement Act. The time to pass this bill is now for making children feel safe and empowered in school. The U.S Department of Education showed that shown to be effective in reducing bullying. It is known that the horrible effects child abuse can have on a child’s current and future well

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