
Why Was The American Revolution Unnecessary

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The date is July 4th, 1776. For the brave colonists in America, it's just another day as British citizens. Would you be a supporter of the revolution if you were living in Britain? Although the colonists were being taxed without representation, there are many reasons why the American revolution was unnecessary. Because the British empire defended the colonists when they needed help, had extremely low tax rates for the colonists and, did not attack when angry colonists attacked soldiers at the Boston "Massacre"

First of all, the American colonists were defended by the British empire during the French and Indian war. "... a War [French and Indian War] [fought] for their [the American colonists'] Protection..." (Tomas Whatley, "Considerations") …show more content…

Normally this is a bad sign of a society, with no representation the colonists can't have any say in what their tax money is being spent on. However, the colonists didn't truly want representation. At that point in 1775, the colonists who wanted to separate from the British Empire were in positions of power where they could give an offer to Britain. The offer would be that in return for paying higher taxes, they could have a seat in parliament. Obviously for such low tax rates they don't deserve a seat in parliament compared to the taxes Britons are paying. The separatist colonists wanted to not have representation just so they could say how bad the British Empire was. Would you support a group who essentially lied to get sympathy? Another reason others might say that supports having a revolution is that the British Empire was involving the colonists in arguments and wars the colonists didn't want. "... Great Britain, [will] directly ... involve [America] in European wars and quarrels; and [make us enemies[ with nations, who would otherwise seek our friendship..." (Thomas Paine, "Common Sense") That seems like a fair argument, "Why should us American colonists get involved in wars in Europe?" But if you're in the British Empire, shouldn't you expect that your military will be needed in wars fought by your Empire? I mentioned previously how Britain defended the

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