
Why Uncle Jack Was Left Out

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Decisions We see in the movie that the directors had to make many changes. The changes usually included cutting non important scenes, for the book was to long to keep everything in. I feel that they picked correctly with most of the scenes, but I do think that some scenes were important enough to get in. While dropping some scenes they also dropped some important characters and themes, some I believe were essential in the book. One of the big characters the movie left out was Uncle Jack. He was a relatively large player and played the role of a usual man from the south back then. I believe the reason Uncle Jack was left out is because if you bring in Uncle Jack, the rest of the family has to be incorporated and that is a lot more characters. …show more content…

In the book this scene was the first real time Scout comes in contact with Boo. In this scene in the book Boo comes and puts a blanket on Scout to keep her warm. Even though Scout gets scared the readers still see this as a warm and gentle sign of giving by Boo. However this scene is cut, forcing the first time we see Boo to be after he saves Jem. Even though these two important parts of the book were left out I think the movie was good and it definitely gave me the deep feeling and connection to the characters that the book gave me. I think the whole movie staff made all the right

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