
Why The Worm, C. Elegans

Decent Essays

Ever since I can remember, I have been obsessed with mechanical systems. Every birthday and Christmas I asked for a remote control car or plane, only to end up taking them apart the same day. I was passionately curious about how and why the world worked. My mother, a professor of Biology, recalls my insatiable curiosity and that I was always asking “why?” As I grew older that interest shifted more towards the mystery of life; how was it possible that everything we know is the result of a chance organization of molecules to form complex cell networks? It was about this time that I was filling out college applications and I decided to major in Bioengineering and minor in physics. I felt that this would enable me to understand the biological …show more content…

It was a relatively small class and our final project was our choice but had to involve modeling a system. I had recently stumbled upon an article discussing the worm, C.Elegans. Specifically the article discussed the fact that its’ complete neural system had been mapped out, which I found extremely interesting. So I decided that my project would be to try and model C.Elegan’s brain. Using Matlab I built objects for the different types of neurons and connected them in the way described by the map. I then displayed them so that I could see which neurons were ‘on’ and ‘off’ graphically. I’ll never forget the first successful run of my program, I inputed certain signals to the sensory neurons, saw the cognitive neurons ‘think’ and then the motor neurons send move signals. That was the first time I felt a real passion about something I had done in school. It is an excitement that I still have today, a year later. Since that time I have researched and discovered the specific area of study that interests me, which is Machine Learning within computer science. Additionally, during my semester abroad in Denmark I completed a project which was to create a computer program that would be able to look at a handwritten digit and guess what the digit

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