
Why The Explorers Should Not Be Glorified

Decent Essays

Why the Explorers Shouldn’t be Glorified

At the bloody hands of the explorers, lay millions of deaths. To honor these souls, we must not glorify these explorers for these awful crimes they have committed. These explorers have done many things that cannot be overlooked. They have brought in epidemics, they have killed people, and they have enslaved Native Americans. These inexcusable crimes are the very reason we should not be glorifying these explorers.

The explorers killed people. Document 5 states that the explorers have a cruel and abnormal punishment. “They burn their organs, no year passes in which they do not sacrifice 50 soul at each temple in their kingdom.” Whenever they asked anything of their gods, in order for it to be fulfilled, they take several boys, girls, men, and women, and in the presence of the statues of their gods they cut open their chests while they are still alive and take out their hearts. This document provides the evidence to support my claim, this document proves that the explorers killed humans in horrible way. Therefore, the explorers should not be glorified. I acknowledge the fact that Christopher Columbus discovered America, or that Magellan tasted the salt water and found out where he was. We should be able to endorse that they made a lot of positives, but the positives don’t cancel out …show more content…

According to doc 4, in the New World there were 40-50 million until Columbus arrived, brought in epidemics and killed tens of millions of people. According to document 2, the epidemics killed a vast number of people, sores erupted on everywhere, they were covered from head to toe. “The illness was so dreadful that no one could walk or move.” A great amount of people died from the epidemics, and if you didn’t die from the disease, you would die of hunger. Millions of people died from the epidemics that were brought in from the explorers. To honor these deaths, we shouldn't be glorifying these

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