
Howard Zinn Discussion Questions

Decent Essays

Howard Zinn’s, A People’s History of the United States, 1492-Present poses numerous questions that are multidimensional in nature. These questions seemingly can be answered with little to no thought by the common denominator of readers; however, the questions prove to be deceiving and rather lend themselves to ambiguous answers upon further investigation. Of these questions posed by Howard Zinn, a few in particular stuck out to me and piqued my intellectual curiosity; the questions were as follows:

Did we exterminate a superior society?
Should history be told from the stance of the common man?
Is it justified to minimize Columbus's genocide of natives?

In the wake of the genocide of the natives at the hands of the tyrannical Europeans, the …show more content…

For being common means that you are not important to the grand scheme of history. Thomas Edison was not a common man and neither was Aristotle or Caesar. History tends to be glorify the decisions of the few and follow the personal conquests of great leaders. For example, you always here “Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia” and not “one hundred thousand soldiers conquest of persia”. However, it is because of this lack of including the common man in history that history should be written from their perspective. Afterall, it is the common man that must adapt to the tides of history and the changes of technology. During the Industrial revolution, the common man had to work in the factories and suffer. During times of war, the common man goes off to fight for his nation and for pride and sometimes just to make a decent amount of money. The common man can illustrate what a period of time was most like. This is because the common man is undeniably the majority of people who live under the system of the time. So, by learning about the way the common man lived, you can learn what the society was like and how advanced the society was. In addition to this advantage, the more perspectives one has on history the more the reader will understand and be able to understand history and be able to recognize when he is among the common man of a new historically important

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