
Why Should We Reject Soda Taxes?

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Raymond's Response "There are other reasons to reject soda taxes. Evidence is mounting that drinking diet soft drinks may be as bad as- or even worse than- sugary drinks." ( Wood and Shughart 8). This is saying that it just sodas being tax which it shouldn't because they are singling out just sugary sodas. The cities and states should keep all drinks the same price without raising the tax on sodas. Also why raise taxes of one drink if other drinks are going to be cheaper than that drink now, this happen when they raise taxes for healthy drinks leaving soda cheap and affordable when they knock out the competition for the soda products. Taxing sodas is really unfair because the states or cities are singling out just sodas which wasn't their fault to begin with as it said "For instance, if a tax only applies to soda, or within city limits, drinkers …show more content…

It states here " The Tax in Berkeley, which will increase prices around 20%, is forecast by experts to reduce consumption" (Wood and Shughart 7). This is stating that if we do tax sodas then the consumers will decrease and increase in buying healthy drinks. Which it would show more people to focus on staying healthy and start acting healthy too.This will help a lot of people from getting sick and start to focus on exercise and eating, drinking also acting healthy by stopping soda from being cheaper than healthy menus like water and other healthy drinks. But there a problem with this is that only one city from one state isn't going to be enough to start a big movement like that as you need, a lot more than one city or one state in order for to work they need more than half of the states to start the movement. Also it hard to tax soda as they are well protected and more consumers will stand with the soda company as the consumers will state that they are only targeting soda as there are much more unhealthy menus even worse than

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