My argument is about why schools should start later. I think schools should start later because students will be more focused and be able to get better sleep. The administration is against this because they think we should be in school longer but this also helps teachers because students won’t fall asleep in class. The administration is complaining that the schools test scores are low but maybe it’s because not everyone gets enough sleep. It would help teachers a lot because not only will you have enough sleep but you’ll also have energy and make it through the day. As a teacher who wouldn’t want more sleep? This will benefit everyone because you will have time to eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and not everyone
Redondo Beach Unified school district should implement that all schools in the district need start an hour later. 60% of children under the age of 18 complained to their parents about being tired, and 15% said they fell asleep during the school year. Across our country, Evidence has shown that teenagers are indeed seriously sleep deprived, affecting their school work.
Schools Should Start Later by Emily Richmond tells us about how if the kids get more sleep they would participate better. Kids will be better participants in class if they get more sleep. This is important because they will focus on what they are learning. They will also listen
Have you ever been really tired when you wake up for school in the morning? Sleep is very important to all teens, or it should be. Young adults should have 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep every night, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), in Sarah McKibben’s article “Wake Up Calls”. Unfortunately, two-thirds of teens are getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night, according to the NSF’s chart. This is causing a large number of schools and scientists to think that schools should start later in the morning. I fiercely disagree with this. Schools should not start later because starting later for high schools would cause too many negative consequences.
Suppose you are getting up out of bed to go to school in the morning. Your mom needs to arrive at work at 8:30, but your school just changed their start time to 9:45 because children at the school were falling asleep in class. You are forced to awaken at the same time you started waking up at, because your mom has to be at work. You have to go with your friend, who has his mother take him everyday. You have your mother take you at the same time as before to drop you off at your friend's house to wait.
School's starting at 7:30 a.m. is an appropriate time, but having school start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. can be a lot more beneficial to students. School starting early in the morning can cause many harmful things to teenagers. Getting little to no sleep causes teenagers to be more forgetful and it limits their ability to learn. It can also lead to depression, aggressive behavior, obesity, drug and alcohol use, and sleep deprivation. Research shows that a later start time is generally a little more effective for students. Having Central Valley High School start at a later time would provide many positive outcomes to better adolescent's school work, safety, and their overall health.
How would you feel if your parent couldn’t take you to school or drive you to the bus because schools starts after they would already need to be at work? How would you like if practices or outside actives were cut short due to school start time? Schools began starting earlier in the 1990s. The average time schools start is 8:03 am. Only 17.7% of 39,700 public middle and high schools start at 8:30 am or later. I believe that the earlier start time is an advantage. With schools being a big advantage to help us plan for life, we need to make sure we use this precious time to learn. If school would start later there would be less time for outside activities and practices, your parent mostly likely couldn’t help you get ready in the morning and drive you to school because they would already be at work, and truly if school starts later, then most people would go to bed later.
Going to bed at 2:00 in the morning and waking up at 6:30 AM to go to school is a nightmare for anyone. Unfortunately, this situation is far too common in today’s schools. But have you ever wondered how insufficient sleep affects your everyday life? Schools must start later. With early start times thwarting students’ health and safety, adolescents needing more sleep in general, and teens having trouble sleeping early, later start times are essential.
The reasoning for school starting later is simple students need to stay awake during class. Studies show that 20% of students fall asleep in class every day. It is a waste of time, money, and energy to go to school just to sleep. If school started later students would be catching up in school and learning instead of catching Zs.
So, let’s pretend that you are a parent with a high schooler in the house. He’s really tired in the morning and he has a lot of homework to do before school. School starts at 7:50 a.m. It’s 7:45. He’s in trouble. The grades of teens may be better if school started later, the amount of sleep loss in teens is dropping more and more, and the schools of America are starting to early. This is why school should start later.
Obesity is a big problem in America so it would be smart to let kids sleep more to try to reduce this problem. There will be benefits in physical and mental health when students are allowed more time to
Teenagers who start school earlier have more health problems due to lack of sleep. Some students in school work or have extracurricular activities after school therefore sleeping earlier is not an option. Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep usually turn to drug and alcohol abuse. If students got more time to sleep it would give the human brain time to function properly. Students would have more respect for teachers and assignments.
Students need more sleep in the morning so that when they get to school they can listen more to the teachers and that they can understand what they are doing and they don 't have to fall asleep. Students can learn better if they can get some sleep at night and a little bit in the morning to help study whatever the class is doing for that day and that they can pay attention. Students should be able to understand that if they fall asleep then they will miss information and not pay attention.
Almost every day high school students are waking up around six o’clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier than that. Nearly every morning students are waking up without adequate sleep. If sleep is one of the most essential needs of the body in order to grow and develop, shouldn’t we be more aware of how much it affects students everyday performance? The ways in which students are affected by sleep-deprivation is precisely why school needs to start later.
A big reason school’s may enjoy having a later start time, is because it can contribute to the school’s success. A later start time can improve the school’s overall test scores (Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours). Students can learn their best when they are not tired or drowsy. The School Start Later — Healthy Hours campaign stated that, “Academic improvements have been shown, and overall school climate has been measurably improved when high schools have restored later start times,” (Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours). The sleep researcher mentioned earlier, Wendy Troxel, said in her presentation that when kid’s are woken up by an alarm, they are literally robbed of their dreams. Dreams are associated with learning development. In order for student’s to use the most of their brains, they need to be receiving the right amount of good quality sleep. Not only do test scores rise, but so does the graduation rate, which is a major problem in today’s generation (Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours). In contribution to the student success, later start times could drastically improve the school’s success. Later start times have increased attendance around
Therefore it is going to make kids not want to learn. If you get more sleep you will want to learn more because you have more rest. Also you will be more relaxed because you have a shorter day. Then you will have longer daylight when you get home and can go outside and get exercise. Also it makes kids too tired to come to school.