Should School Sports Be Mandatory?
A commonly asked question that a lot of people are asking is, should school sports be mandatory. Some schools around the world say that school sports should be mandatory and force kids to play different sports to keep them in shape. But, on the other hand, other schools do not make sports mandatory at school because it could take time out of a kids day when they could be studying. From both of these opinions, I believe that school sports should be mandatory because, school sports can help with health problems, it can help students in real life problems, and also it can teach students confidence and can raise their self-esteem. These reasons prove that school sports should be mandatory.
The first reason why school sports should be mandatory is that school sports can help with health issues. For example, Jay Coakley, a Professor at the University of Colorado and author of Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies, states that “Many Nations are facing the same health problems—diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure due to inactivity” (Coakley, 2008, p.1). This shows that without doing sports many health problems can occur to your body. Also Carson Barrett, a reporter for AZCentral, says, “Exercise in general controls weight by burning calories, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, placing a lower strain on the heart, and increases an athlete's energy level while improving the quality of sleep” (Barrett, 2017, p.1) this explains that sports can help improve your health in multiple ways. And finally, “Playing sports helps with stretching ability. The heart benefits the most from playing sports and there are fewer chances of malfunctioning of your heart. Playing sports help the heart in pumping more blood as it is a type of workout for the body,” (Organic Facts, 2017, P.1). This proves that school sports should be mandatory because it can help with health issues.
Another reason why school sports should be mandatory is that it can help students in real life problems. For example, “One of the good things about sports is that many bad things will happen. Games will be lost. Your child might be benched, demoted, or not perform up to his/her abilities. Your child
Since students already spent a great amount of time on school they should not participate in sports after school . Students should not spend more time on physical activities that are not needed rather than homework that will help with grades in school. Therefore, schools should not have after school sports because it will improve student’s grades, give them more time for homework, and schools will save money.
I believe that all students that is currently attending a high school should play at least one sport a year. I believe that because kids today are so occupied on their phone, and other apps that they do not go outside and play. So you’re probably thinking why should kids play a sport well i’m here to tell you why. They should play all least one sport a year so they can actually go and get some exercise instead of being on their phones texting, or play a dumb game. I also think that all students should play at least one sport because it will help build character that would help them in their future. Another reason a student should play at least on sport because their coaches will teach them how to become a young man/weman. A sport will teach
Sports Are More Important Than Ever¨ by Tim O'Shei is about the effects of sports and how it is favorable to students. Cutting back on school sports could be helpful; however, there is more valuable evidence and logical reasoning to support that school sports should not be scaled back. The article ¨No! Sports Are More Important Than Ever¨ by Tim O'Shei states, ¨Today, studies show that schools with big athletics programs tend to have lower dropout rates.¨ This shows, that sports are not only physically helpful, but also mentally.
The thought of eliminating sports from schools have become very popular in the last couple of years. Recent studies have shown that sports bring down children academically. Therefore, schools should eliminate sports to allow students more time to study, bring up kids grades, and improve financial issues. People who have gone through school know how important it is to study in order to familiarize themselves with the material taught. In “Should Your School Get Rid of Sports?”, Amanda Ripley states that a former quarterback that attends a school with no sports says, ¨there was all this extra time, you never go behind on your work¨ (11).
To many educational institutions, it is controversial whether or not sports are beneficial to scholastic success. Offering athletic programs is said to supply students with an enhanced learning experience, as well as adding amusement to a rather dull school year. Therefore, sports should be provided in all schools to reduce stress, improve academic performance, and develop teamwork skills and equal opportunity in school.
One reason we should keep school sports is because it benefits the mind and body. For example, in part two of the article, “No! Sports Are More Important Than Ever” states, “According to a 2013 report from the institute of medicine, physically active kids have more focus, are better problem solvers, and score higher on tests.” This proves that sports benefit the mind. After school many kids go straight home to their phones; however, with sports, after school they go straight into a fun, healthy activity that benefits the mind and body.
Schools should eliminate sports because academics will increase. 80% of students passed there when sports were banned compared to 50% last fall. Also, More than 20 nations have a better gradation rate than America. Amanda Ripley from scholastic scope says” During football season in particular, focus shifts away from learning. Players speed long hours practicing and the commitment extends to the rest of the school.” One time a student sifts his/her learning way from class or a student turned in his/her paper late can have lifelong consequences. These actions have to lead to schools to ban sports from school.
Which is more important, sports or education? In America, sports seem to be the winner. Athletes get paid about 53 million dollars a year, compared to the 58,170 dollars teachers get paid. Another way sports wins is that sports are now a huge part of school, but should they? Schools shouldn’t be in school because academic impact, financial impact, and family impact.
The importance and benefits of school sports have been questioned recently, a current article has showed that both students and schools have improved as a result of limiting athletic programs. Therefore, schools should get rid of sports to cut big costs, eliminate distractions from students and staff, and improve student academic achievement.
How can sports help a student’s performance in school? To be able to play sports in school, students need to maintain their grades, thus motivating learners to do well in school (Harris). In addition, a sport allows a person to come out of their comfort zone to meet new people and build up their self-image. Athletes also experience positive health benefits. Especially at a young age, playing sports can help to reduce diabetes, heart diseases, and other sickness that could be very harmful to students (Morris). Sports is something all students should participate in because of its positive effects. Therefore, schools should require students to join at least one sport. Participating in sports will help students build their academic success, develop character and improve their
For a period people have debated whether or not to get rid of school sports. Students can get off track of learning when they're playing sports, districts realized they could save over 150,000 dollars in a year, and students have extra time to do homework and study. Therefore, schools should not have sports because kids can prevent distractions, schools could save a great deal of money, students can have more time to learn.
There is an ongoing debate about whether school sports should stay in or out of schools. If a school or a district cuts sports, they could save a abundance of money. Therefore, school sports should be terminated to save money to spend on other needed educational items, to improve academic grades, and get students better sleep.
Parents and administrators have been wondering of sports are literally helping, or harming education. Schools have had after-school activities for decades, but this has made too difficult for many students to finish their work. Therefore, sports should be removed to increase the ability to save money, improve grades, and give kids the opportunity to pay more attention in class.
As you can tell, without sports, crucial elements are missing within student's lives. Sports contribute to the ability of socialization among kids, encouragement on academic performance, and achieving goals. These pieces would be affected greatly if sports were eliminated from schools. Lasting friendships from team sports, otherwise misplaced academic encouragement, and goal skills would be lost. Keep school sports. Save kids the
Standard activeness is a greater extent to good health and high school students that are engaged with sports are more prosperous.In conclusion, schools should make it mandatory for kids to be involved in