
Why Should School Sports Should Be Mandatory

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Should School Sports Be Mandatory?
A commonly asked question that a lot of people are asking is, should school sports be mandatory. Some schools around the world say that school sports should be mandatory and force kids to play different sports to keep them in shape. But, on the other hand, other schools do not make sports mandatory at school because it could take time out of a kids day when they could be studying. From both of these opinions, I believe that school sports should be mandatory because, school sports can help with health problems, it can help students in real life problems, and also it can teach students confidence and can raise their self-esteem. These reasons prove that school sports should be mandatory.
The first reason why school sports should be mandatory is that school sports can help with health issues. For example, Jay Coakley, a Professor at the University of Colorado and author of Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies, states that “Many Nations are facing the same health problems—diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure due to inactivity” (Coakley, 2008, p.1). This shows that without doing sports many health problems can occur to your body. Also Carson Barrett, a reporter for AZCentral, says, “Exercise in general controls weight by burning calories, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, placing a lower strain on the heart, and increases an athlete's energy level while improving the quality of sleep” (Barrett, 2017, p.1) this explains that sports can help improve your health in multiple ways. And finally, “Playing sports helps with stretching ability. The heart benefits the most from playing sports and there are fewer chances of malfunctioning of your heart. Playing sports help the heart in pumping more blood as it is a type of workout for the body,” (Organic Facts, 2017, P.1). This proves that school sports should be mandatory because it can help with health issues.
Another reason why school sports should be mandatory is that it can help students in real life problems. For example, “One of the good things about sports is that many bad things will happen. Games will be lost. Your child might be benched, demoted, or not perform up to his/her abilities. Your child

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