
Tim O Shei's Essay: Should School Sports Receive Back?

Satisfactory Essays

Many schools are known for their sports teams, and school spirit. But the question that parents and school officials are stumbling upon is, should school sports be scaled back? The article, ¨Yes! It's Time To Scale Back¨ by Amanda Ripley is about how cutting back on athletics would benefit the students and school community. The opposing article ¨No! Sports Are More Important Than Ever¨ by Tim O'Shei is about the effects of sports and how it is favorable to students. Cutting back on school sports could be helpful; however, there is more valuable evidence and logical reasoning to support that school sports should not be scaled back.

The article ¨No! Sports Are More Important Than Ever¨ by Tim O'Shei states, ¨Today, studies show that schools with big athletics programs tend to have lower dropout rates.¨ This shows, that sports are not only physically helpful, but also mentally. They keep the students workloads and physical activity balanced. Making sure athletes keep their grades up is one of the coaches number one priorities. These athletes want and need a future, and the coaches are there to help them succeed. Some schools athletics programs even have a study hall that adolescents can use to catch up, it is especially good for athletes trying to stay on track. …show more content…

Sports Are More Important Than Ever¨ states, ¨According to a 2013 report from the Institute of Medicine, physically active kids have more focus, are better problem solvers, and score higher on tests.¨ This shows, that physical activity helps kids and teens build a strong work ethic. Some schools don't just allow you to play either, you have to pass with either and A or B in all your classes or you are benched the game. You may even get a punishment from a low grade. That is definitely not on the top of athletes

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