A car is considered a lethal weapon by many people. Why would you sit in a moving car
Argumentative essay and not wear your seat belt? Cars travel at high rates of speed and can easily crash. Technology is distracting many drivers in today's world. Why take the chance and not wear your seat belt? I read the news and see videos of many car accidents. The majority of people dying in traffic accidents do not wear their seat belt. When cars are on the expressway, they are traveling at very high rates of speed. Most cars travel at at least 70 miles per hour on the expressway and even faster in some states. When my mom and I are traveling on the expressway she drives a little over the speed limit. A lot of times cars fly by us. I would hate to see what happens to the driver if they were to lose control and crash. A properly worn seat belt could and would help save your life. Some of the reasons people don't wear their seat belt is because they are in too big of hurry. I find that silly, because it only takes a matter of seconds to buckle your seat belt. Some people don't wear their seat belt because they don't want to wrinkle their clothes. Again, this is beyond crazy. How wrinkled would your clothes actually get? Some young drivers think it's cool to not wear their seatbelt. Really? How cool would
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Among drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. Seat belts prevent drivers and passengers from being ejected during a crash." www.cdc.gov. There are many more valid reasons to always wear your seat belt than to not wear it. When asking some adults in my family if they require passengers to wear their seat belt, they all said yes. My uncle told me that anyone that refuses to wear a seat belt must have a death wish. Seat belts are just that important. They are a no brainer to many
Christie Maliepaard shares her story to encourage all drivers and passengers to wear a seat belt at all times in a car. Unfortunately, her daughter, was not wearing her seat belt and was involved in a disabling car crash that eventually led to
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “in 2015, seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 13,941 lives” (1). The NHTSA goes on to say that almost 30 million Americans still don’t use seat belts on a daily basis. Since vehicle accidents are among the leading causes of death in the United States and even the world, the argument to improve seat belt technology has increased dramatically. Researchers are often more concerned with whether or not people are wearing their seat belts, not the effectiveness of them, until now, although both are incredibly important. Seat belt safety, which is directly related to seat belt technology, has been shown to be increasingly ineffective because of the high severity
According to NHTSA, 13,941 lives were saved by seat belts in 2015 while an additional 2,814 could have been saved if properly restrained (2017). One impact of seat belt usage is reducing the risk serious or fatal injuries by about half. The CDC reported in 2009, 53% of occupants killed in crashes in the U.S. were not wearing seat belts (2014). According to data collected in 2008 by NHTSA, seat belts have saved an estimated 225,000 lives (2009). The benefit of wearing a seat belt can help increase chances of surviving a crash with little or no
1.Wearing seat belt saves many people.Seat belt use virtually eliminates the possibility of ejection from the vehicle.Wearing seat belt keeps you from being thrown from your vehicle..It keeps you from banging against parts of your car such as the door.It can also keep you not to hit to steering and the thing in front of you.Seat belts keep the driver and passengers from banging each other, a cause of real injury in some accidents.Airbags are some times useless if you are not wearing seat belt,you can be thrown from your car.If you has thrown from the car, you can be hit some parts of car.So people wearing seat belts can be illegal.
Judge Oliver ruled that, sincethe belts contributed to public safety, they could not be considered unconstitutional.consequently, People think that wearing a seatbelt or not, it doesn’t change the numberof casualties from wrecks but let me tell you why that’s not true. Despite the best effortsof law enforcement and others to educate people about the importance and benefits ofwearing a seatbelt, many still do not.(Hurst). According to the Center for DiseaseControl wearing a seatbelt is the most efficient way to save lives and reduce injuries incar crashes. Considering car crashes are the leading cause of death among thosebetween the ages of 5 and 34, you could say wearing a seat belt is the most
Wearing seatbelts reduces the chances of injury by 50%. Imagine you running as fast as you can into a wall, you’d expect to be pretty messed up after right? Wear a seatbelt to avoid human collision. Not wearing a seatbelt is the leading cause of car accidents for people under the age of 35. You may be a careful driver, but you can’t control the actions of other drivers. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
First of all, seatbelts are installed in every kind of car that is being sold. Seatbelts take a very important role in cars because it works in many ways to protect the passengers from danger and car accidents. One of the reasons why seatbelts are important is because seatbelts reduce the speed of a body of a passenger as it gets an experience of an abrupt decreasing of speed. Since the velocity of the car and the passenger is independent, even when the car crashed into a wall and the velocity suddenly decreases to zero, the body of a passenger will want to still move forwards. The second reason is that seatbelts prevent passengers from slamming parts of their
We have all heard the excuses before, "It's uncomfortable, I'm only going around the corner", I'd rather be thrown out of a car than be stuck in a seatbelt," and my favorite, "I'm a good driver I don't need to wear one." Well you may be a good driver but there are situations beyond your control such as bad weather, road conditions and not to mention other drivers that can affect your safety. Seat belts can mean the difference between life and death in an auto accident. Wearing a seat belt every time you enter a vehicle is not only the smart thing to do it is the right thing because it saves lives, it's the law and it will save you money.
Every year approximately 32,000 people die from motor vehicle crashes and about three and a half million people are injured from a motor crash (Quick Facts 2014). Police cruisers are designed more efficiently and safely so that police officers have a slighter chance of being hurt in the field. Whether it is chasing after a fleeing suspect or completing a traffic stop, an officer should be able to feel comfortable in their vehicle to keep them safe in a bad situation. In the Police Chief Magazine John Batiste noted, “42 percent of law enforcement officers killed in traffic crashes were not wearing a seatbelt.” Police departments could have prevented many deaths if there was a policy that required officers to wear their seat belts. Police officers should not give someone a ticket for not wearing their seat belt if they are incapable of wearing their own.
In 2016, 3,773 people died in a motor vehicle traffic accident and of that 3,773, 43.71% were reported not wearing a seatbelt when the crash occurred. The “Click it or Ticket” slogan was made to encourage drivers to wear seatbelts, but it’s impossible to pull over every single person that isn’t wearing
benefits of riding without a seatbelt (it's quicker) are less than the overall costs (getting a ticket) of committing the crime.
For the people who use the excuse that "They are just going around the corner" should realize that 80% of traffic fatalities occur within a 25-mile radius of your home and at a speed of 40 miles an hour. Buckling up to drive around the block is probably the best time to do so. Everyone knows that car crashes can cause death; yet because people do not buckle up all the time thousands of people still die in traffic crashes yearly. Seatbelts can save your life in a crash and can reduce your risk of a serious injury. Seat belts keep drivers and passengers from being ejected through windows or doors. This is important because your chances of being killed are five times greater if you are thrown from the vehicle. Thousands of people who die in car crashes each year might still be alive today if they had only been wearing their seat belts.
According to the CDC, a total of 22,441 passenger vehicle occupants died in motor vehicle traffic crashes and 2.5 million passengers were treated for injuries in 2015 (Motor Vehicle Safety np). More than half of the 22,441 occupants were unrestrained, or not held in place by a seat belt. People that do not wear a seat belt, are 30 times more effective being ejected from the vehicle at the time of the crash and 3 out of 4 people who are ejected during a fatal crash die from their injuries (Motor Vehicle Safety np). Ejection from a vehicle will not stop you from flying across the highway, because inertia and gravity will keep moving your body forward. What is the cause for us not wearing our seat belts? According to the NHTSA, people get in a hurry, distraction, or simply forgetting is the main cause for not wearing our seat
Seat belts although they are the most effective safety device on cars must be made safer. Out of all people who died in car accidents, 63% of those were not wearing seat belts (seatbelts). This goes to show you the effectiveness of seat belt. Therefore automotive manufactures must mandate the installation of 5-point seatbelt on all cars. In all major race car organization such as NASCAR (National Association Stock Car Automotive Racing) they require these 5-point seat belt. Which is nothing more than a seatbelt that is buckled in 5 spots rather that the conventional 3.
A seat belt is a long strap attached to a car seat, this tool was designed to keep the passenger in place when in a collision. According to, Traffic with a smile, “ Today, the seat belt serves to protect drivers and passengers from injury during any type of collision.” Tnsafety.org says, “More than 50% of vehicle occupants killed in crashes in Tennessee were not wearing seat belts.” There are many people that die everyday, because they had a collision and were not wearing a seatbelt.