
Why People Should Ban Halloween

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Halloween is the day of getting a whole bunch of candy from neighborhoods, church, friends, and family. Although many people love to celebrate this holiday, it’s about to come to an end for ages sixteen and older. Many people agree that they should ban Haloween for ages sixteen and older, and there should be a curfew at 8:30pm for all trick or treaters. There are many controversies going on with the ban restricting teens; therefore, the ban has not been passed.Local governments should not ban trick or treating because teens will try and get their way. It doesn’t make any sense to have a law that restricts age sixteen and older from trick or treating. There will be millions of people breaking this specific ban.Also how are going to know if …show more content…

This ban is like an unsharpened pencil; It has no point. Many kids may have have jobs and some kids may have maturity and may not go trick or treating. Yet there are others with the lack of maturity and they most likely go trick or treating. Now I do believe that teenagers should be mature and do more grown up like things like getting a job. But still, some people may or not like to grow up, so don’t take something away that they like doing. Do you want people taking away the thing. Lets face it, Most teens want to live life to the fullest, and to be honest it’s up to them if they want to mature or not. And by banning Halloween, you are going to have a bunch of chaos from teenagers. And if they can’t get their way then the world is in a heap of trouble because they are going to find a way. If they ban Halloween then the teens are just going to go anyway. And if one teenager is “brave enough” to break the law; there are going to many of them that are going to follow. Although people may disagree with what I’m stating, but ninety- nine percent of the information I’ve given Is true and

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