
Missing Children Should Be Taken Away From Getting Into Trouble

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Better safe than sorry. Recently there has been an increase in kidnappings and missing children. To keep teens and young adults safe the city should enforce a strict curfew keeping minors in the house at 10:00 pm during the week and at midnight on the weekends. This curfew restriction is necessary to ensure teens safety, prevent teens from getting into trouble, and improve their responsibility. If a curfew is established and teens abide by it, then there will be a decrease on crimes like kidnapping and DUI’s. The city has a way they can prevent these horrific events by making sure teens are home at a specific time. Parents are most likely to agree with a curfew like this because it is an attempt to protect their children. Studies show the majority of accidents that involve drinking and driving occur late at night typically after 10:00 pm. If minors are in the house before then,they are not at risk to be in such danger. Even though teens may think this is not fair and is taking away their freedom, this curfew is meant to make sure they are safe. Another conflict that can be avoided by this curfew restriction is kidnapping. Many missing children go missing late at night. To decrease the amount of children who are taken away from their families the curfew should be put into …show more content…

It is proven teens get into trouble when they are out past curfew. Criminal activity for teens are more likely to happen later in the evening because parental supervision is not present. A child's teenage life usually involves drugs and alcohol. To interfere with these bad habits the curfew will be put into place. The later they stay out, the more trouble they can get in to. No parent wants to get up late at night to have to pick up their kid for going out and doing something he or she knows they are not supposed to do. A set curfew will prevent teens from participating in disruptive

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