I think everyone can agree that our health is important. The bones are vital for body the body to function. Also, the ability to breath smoothly is critical for the lungs and cardiovascular system. Depression and anxiety cause mental health issues, and mental health is significant like physical health. The heart pumps blood throughout the body, making it utmost needed organ of the body. Last, weight can affect your health immensely. All these factors can be regulated through running. I encourage you to run, not from your problems, but through them, literally.
Stretching helps the body relieve tension in the bones. Bones support the body, protect important organs, store calcium and other minerals, and allows tendon and muscle movement through leverage. All four of the functions are important to the bodies health. Stretching the bones increases mineral mass and leads to the bones growing stronger. This helps prevent
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Endorphins are chemicals released when the body is under intense movement. These are referred to as happy chemicals. Even working out for a small amount of time, like a twenty minute jog can release endorphins. Also, working out reduces stress because norepinephrine are released. The brain receives messages and releases endorphins and norepinephrine to increase function in the body. Needless to say, running can help someone who is sad or anxious.
Running also helps prevents cardiac arrest. Similar to the paragraph about breathing where the body inhale and exhales. The arteries help transfers carbon dioxide from the heart to the lungs. This process is through ventilation, which is pushing air in and out of the lungs. Breathing and ventilation helps the arteries conserve their ability to stretch. The heart is a vital muscular organ that is needed for survival. I'm going to assume treating the hear properly is a priority in life. Running helps your heart, which helps your
Running is a metal sport, no doubt. Training and preparing, also plays a pivotal role in a runner's ability, but can be deemed worthless without a strong mental game. I run cross country and
When you run your body ironically thinks that it is being tortured so it the brain releases neurotransmitters such as: Dopamine
Stretching allows you to increase muscle flexibility and joint range of motion. When your muscles are loosened and relaxed, your body can engage in movement easily without resistance and pain.
Running has become my escape and has taught me how to better deal with the ups and downs of life. When I am stressed or upset, there is nothing like a run. For just a little while nothing else matters except for charging up the next hill, dodging the next puddle, or hopping over the next branch. Runs give me perspective. When my world seems to be testing, studying, stress, and headaches, a good run centers me. The familiar sounds of my racing heart, my steady breaths, and my feet hitting the ground relaxes me and reminds me that everything will to turn out alright. This is why I first fell in love with running and why I plan on never stopping.
I. Stress is an inevitable part of life. We’ve all experienced it before. a. Your palms get sweaty. b. Your muscles are tense. c. You feel depressed.
Would you rather be sad and depressed or happy and healthy?. Most people would choose happy and healthy and running can help you with that. According to “Janos” from her article “5 Reasons Running Makes You Happier” It states that “running gets you in better shape and helps you feel stronger which can help you handle problems
4. Feel-good endorphins are released when you exercise, making it easier for you to step into the office with a genuine smile on your face.
Staying fit is very important in sombodys life. There are endless ways to be fit and stay healthy such as eating heathy, exercising, joining a sport, personally my favorite way to stay fit is by running. Going on a run is the best way to start the day, it doesn’t sound very appealing but once you start it feels great. Physical exercise such as running , is known to release endorphins in the brain. Endorphins act as a natural "drug" that make a person more energetic, more awake and, yes, happier. The endorphins can kick in during run, after a workout or both, and are generally referred to as a "runner's high." Almost every runner experiences an elevated mood after running, and most will tell you that their moods tend to be gloomier when they
Running is a good form of aerobic exercise, and there are several benefits for both the body and the mind.
Running efficiently provides many positive psychological benefits, for example, it helps fight depression. Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about himself or herself, and thinks about things (Depression, n.d.). Although, running can be a cure for this illness. Achieving a physical goal, such as a 10k, is good for treating depression because generally people with depression have poor self-images and completing a goal such as a 10k would boost one’s confidence and suddenly have a positive reflection towards themselves. Beyond the goal-oriented therapeutic benefit, endorphins can really help pick up one’s mood. . Endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones of the body, have a lot of things going for them. These naturally occurring opiates can make a person feel better physically by helping to suppress pain. They also slow the aging process, gives stress relief and sends the immune system into overdrive and when running takes place, a flood of endorphins are released. Another positive aspect that is an outcome from running is the production of the famed “Runner’s High.” Runner’s high is a feeling of euphoria that is experienced by some individuals engaged in strenuous running and that is held to be associated with a release of endorphins by the brain. The high
Stretching realigns soft tissue structures, which help maintain good posture in activities of daily living.
Reading all of this might be a little bit difficult to understand however, if you do not know of the different types of cholesterol. The two main types, as found on WebMD, are “low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), also known as the “bad” cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), also called "good" cholesterol” (“Understanding Cholesterol Numbers”). The weird factor about running is that while it does reduce the levels of LDL, it increases the levels of HDL. The American Heart Association considers HDL to be the “good cholesterol” because it “may protect you from heart disease by transporting cholesterol out of your arteries” (Cavazos 1). This article also reads,
Exercise and eating healthy are two of the most important things you need to do to take care of your body properly. Both exercise, and eating healthy, have many advantages and benefits. They help with multiple things needed throughout your life. These things include growing physically, mentally, and if you are religious, spiritually as well. All of this adds up to your body functioning in the highest and best way possible.
Although there are some negatives with running, there are also many positives. Many people run because of the health reasons. It is good for the heart and lungs and people run in the fresh air. Running outside rather than inside is good for you too because of the fresh air. Running also relieves tension, by running, people can think about their problems without having to worry about anyone hearing them. They can think about whatever
Based on the Community Needs Assessment, the research displayed evidence that a large portion of the African American college students in the Hattiesburg area are less knowledgeable of healthy proportions of foods and resources available to them that would help foster the awareness of eating healthier. Only 20% of 25 participants that were surveyed indicated that they had an exceptional understanding of basic nutrition fundamentals. Preference was the driving force of the target population’s food selection. The health belief model would be an excellent method of understanding how the college students perceive healthy consumptions. Ten of the participants in the survey stated that they did not know how to cook. During the grocery store