
Why Our Health Is Important To The Body Analysis

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I think everyone can agree that our health is important. The bones are vital for body the body to function. Also, the ability to breath smoothly is critical for the lungs and cardiovascular system. Depression and anxiety cause mental health issues, and mental health is significant like physical health. The heart pumps blood throughout the body, making it utmost needed organ of the body. Last, weight can affect your health immensely. All these factors can be regulated through running. I encourage you to run, not from your problems, but through them, literally.
Stretching helps the body relieve tension in the bones. Bones support the body, protect important organs, store calcium and other minerals, and allows tendon and muscle movement through leverage. All four of the functions are important to the bodies health. Stretching the bones increases mineral mass and leads to the bones growing stronger. This helps prevent …show more content…

Endorphins are chemicals released when the body is under intense movement. These are referred to as happy chemicals. Even working out for a small amount of time, like a twenty minute jog can release endorphins. Also, working out reduces stress because norepinephrine are released. The brain receives messages and releases endorphins and norepinephrine to increase function in the body. Needless to say, running can help someone who is sad or anxious.
Running also helps prevents cardiac arrest. Similar to the paragraph about breathing where the body inhale and exhales. The arteries help transfers carbon dioxide from the heart to the lungs. This process is through ventilation, which is pushing air in and out of the lungs. Breathing and ventilation helps the arteries conserve their ability to stretch. The heart is a vital muscular organ that is needed for survival. I'm going to assume treating the hear properly is a priority in life. Running helps your heart, which helps your

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