What would you rather do, your homework or play your favorite sport? Some people may have to play sports as soon as they get home. People without homework have more freetime. While people with homework have to do a bunch of work.We should not have homework; homework is not beneficial to students’ mental health. Homework is mainly just busy work, and homework has a negative effect on home life.
We should not have homework because it has a negative effect on home life. For example, Robert Marzano and Debra Pickering educational researchers state that, homework interferes with other home activities. With all the homework kids have, they get almost zero time to themselves, plus those kids who play sports may not have time for homework right away and are forced to do it later, right before bed. Homework makes kids feel overwhelmed to the point where they feel work is more important than family. Marzano and Pickering describe this saying, “homework adds to the culture; work is more important than family.” According to Marzano and Pickering homework can be a disadvantage to family without resources. Families that may not have
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In an article by Marzano and Pickering it states that homework may no be an effective in educational tool. Homework is just busy work most of the time. Therefore, the extra homework doesn't help with student achievement. Inappropriate homework may produce little or no benefit, it might even decrease achievement, according to Marzano and Pickering. Homework can cause stress and when they're stressed all the homework they have doesn’t help. Let's imagine that you have homework for every class due the next day and sports as soon as you get home from school; it's a lot of stress. Marzano and Pickering say , teachers aren't well trained in how to assign homework. Moat teachers hand out mainly busy work, and aren't trained well enough to zhand out propor
Shouldn't kids work on homework like these days instead of spending time with their family? Kids should be able to spend more time with their friends and family. I think this because homework is very hard and challenging. Homework can give headaches and also stress. My opinion is that homework should not be something to do at home.
In my opinion i think kids should have less homework. One of my reasons is it will take the stress of your shoulders. I also think this because say you have to study for a test on monday and because all the homework you get a bad grade.In addishion, this is why i think kids should have less homework.
Students should not have homework. First here are my reasons why some kids don't do it . According to resch 10 % out of 20% students don't do homework. Scond students should have time for some fun stuff. 20 % out of 6 % students play games 8 hours a day in school and students have game, clubs, stuff and go until 8/9 hours a night and don't get a nuff sleep. Third homework sometimes it reck the sports. And Kids don't study and kids don't use class time they talk instead of doing homework. Next kids don't fish there homework don't want to do it. 30% out 40 % do it in team team study is only 42 minutes. After school 15 minutes go to relaxing that why we should have no homework.
A longitudinal analysis of NAEP data by the Brookings Institution’s Tom Loveless in 2014 found that more 9-year-olds were regularly doing homework than their parents' generation: In 1984, 35% of students reported no homework the previous night. By 2012, that had shrunk to 22%. But the share of 9-year-olds reporting an hour or more of homework was also down by two percentage points in that same period, from 19% to 17%. The percentage reporting less than an hour of homework had risen from 41% to 57%. Loveless also found that 27% of 17-year-olds reported having no homework. And the share of 17-year-olds who spent more than two hours a night on homework remained unchanged at 13%. This shows that a lot of students are having homework. Kirkwood High School was trying an experiment for the sake of student and teacher mental health. Some schools across the country have already tried discarding homework, and many reports success and positive feedback from students and
Do you ever have homework and have to work after school or get home late and your tired and just go to bed and never finish it? This is why we shouldn't have homework. You are tired and exhausted sometimes. You may have other things to do at home. You sometimes are so exhausted and don't feel like doing anything. I have three reasons on why we shouldn't have homework. I think you should read them if this describes you.
Sometimes our parents have no time to help us because they have their jobs. Then if we can’t get any help it’s going to be either a late grade or an F because we can’t get a good grade without a complete assignment. Our parents could also have a goodnight sleep without having to worry about us failing their classes because of homework. Teachers will also gain out of no homework because they don’t have to deal with grading messy handwriting and awful grammar. They don’t have to stay up however long it takes just to grade all the papers their students. It’s especially hard for middle school teachers and up because there are so many kids and so many different classes. Teachers can go anywhere they want if their lesson plan is finished for the next day if there is no homework. They won’t have to deal with angry kids, teens and yelling at them if they’re failing school because of homework. Homework is keeping everyone up.
Across the world, children and teens do homework after school. Many people expect homework to be a healthy educational learning tool, but is it really? No, I believe homework is something we need to get rid of. Instead of making it easier to learn, it is creating stress and medical issues with students, finally, it doesn’t affect academic success. Why exactly?
In many American households, homework is the main cause of stress. Some people think that America is not so well and adding more homework will fix that problem. A study by Indiana University found that students who do more homework tend to get higher scores on standardized tests” (“Do Kids Need Homework?”). “Plus, part of growing up is learning to balance outside activities and the demands of schoolwork” (“Should Parents Help Kids With Homework?). Teachers have their reasons as well. “Teachers say homework is important in the learning process and can help kids develop study and organizational skills. They say kids need to practice what they've learned in school so that the material sticks in their brain” (Strauss). “Having too much homework
The extra practice helps them understand and practice what they learned in class that day. The homework also teaches kids how to manage their time. Even though some teachers think that a lot of homework is good for kids, other critics argue that too much homework is very bad for the kids. On the website News Leader, it says, “‘It's usually days when we have an away game where we don't get back until late that I have to make the choice whether to do my homework or sleep,’ she says. ‘For me, sleep suffers. I always feel bad if I don't do my homework’” (Ramsey 1). This shows that when a kid has too much homework they have to decide if they want to get their homework done and get a good grade or get enough sleep and not be tired in the morning. When kids go to school without any sleep they do not pay as much attention to the
The negative consequences it yields come forth in multitudes. It gives teachers an excuse to not improve their teaching skills but rather assign homework to make up for squandered class time. Hours spent on homework leaves students with hardly enough time to spend on extracurricular activities, personal interests, family gatherings, and sleep. The stress it produces often leads to depression, physical health problems, unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drugs and alcohol, self harm, and suicide. An ample amount of research has been done that substantiates homework’s harmful impact towards a child’s educational progress and emotional growth, yet it is repeatedly ignored. For something with such hazardous risks to be viewed as an essential constituent of education is absurd. Our nation is essentially valuing education before life itself. Teachers should not be given the ability to deprive children of necessary developmental experiences by assigning extreme amounts of homework, and parents should not sit around allowing it to happen. In order for children to become truly educated they need to experience the world and what is has to offer, not be cooped up in their bedrooms for hours on end completing futile
Multiple studies that show a positive relationship between homework and test scores, among other things, show that homework is only effective when assigned in a moderate amount. Students with too much homework can perform worse on tests, and even develop serious physical and mental health problems from too much stress or lack of sleep. Proponents of homework claim that homework
Well hate to break it to you but in some cases that is not true. First of all, it doesn't really affect that much of a student’s intelligence and homework isn’t really that useful. Example number one, ”In the Netherlands, nearly one out of five fourth graders reported doing no homework on an average school night, even though Dutch fourth graders put their country in the top 10 in terms of average math scores in 2007.” Number two and yes the Pope was involved,”Pope pointed out that students can learn challenging skills even when less homework is assigned.” Number three, ”At a national level, the answer is clearly no. Worldwide, homework is not associated with high national levels of academic achievement.” This evidence proves that some of people's “precious” homework is actually something that doesn't even really help students become any better in class. It is an opinion but homework can’t really help kids do better in school and to be honest how many kids do you think even do their homework and even if they did it probably won’t even help them because they could still have trouble with the
“Too much homework can cause stress in a student and lead to health issues in the body and mind” (TeenInk Magazine). About 97% of high school students would agree on the previous quote that teachers give out too much homework and they are stressed out. There should be less homework because it takes away from time with family and causes stress and most students are time limited.
One of the major reasons as to why homework is unfavorable is because it causes high levels of stress. Studies “conducted at Stanford University found that students… who spend too much time on homework experience for stress, physical health problems, a lack of balance in their lives, and alienation from society.” This shows that homework has many negative qualities that are not
Students do not have enough time for homework. Nowadays students have jobs, extracurricular activities, and family obligations on top of going to school for seven hours a day. According to John Rhodes and Jan Wilson, in “Student’s Perspectives on Homework,” they argue students may end up coming home late from sports and feel “unmotivated to complete their assigned homework tasks.” Going from school, wearing students down mentally and then going to a sport, wearing students down physically, students are completely exhausted and decide that the homework can be put on the backburner. They either do not do it or give little effort, just to get it over with. Rhodes and Wilson add that students “become stressed from the volume of homework” and feel they “need down time to relax after attending school.