
Why Is Words Important In The Book Thief

Decent Essays

Our whole lives are made up entirely of words. Where would we be without them? How many things would be missing without them? Would we still have cars or telephones? Even animals communicate through making sounds. The act of rubbing your vocal cord together to produce a noise. Words make up essays, books, any form of writing but they are not just physical things. There are songs and talking. Words are very powerful things. In the novel The Book Thief words save lives, have deep emotional value, and are the most powerful action someone can take. Through out the novel words literally save lives. At one point when a Jewish man is walking there are two words that save him, Mein Kampf. Those two words were the title of the book Hitler wrote. …show more content…

He is about to go into battle when his friend Erik Vandeburg volunteers him to write letters. Here his life is saved by words in two different ways. One being how Erik volunteered him and the other being him having to write letters. Again there are two words that have a huge impact on the novel and save his life. The two words here being "Hubermann, sir." When Erik said them Hans no longer had to go into battle. These examples goes to show how big of an impacted words can have. Rather them being said or just being written and visible to people.
Words also have stronger emotional value and deeper meaning then they seam to have. They do not even need to be understood. In the beginning of the novel we see this occur when Liesel finds a book at her brothers grave. This was also the first book Liesel stole. At the time Liesel could not read. The only reason for her picking it up was the location she had found it. The meaning behind it had nothing to do with the words in it and she kept it as a reminder of what she had loved and of what she had lost. That the book reminded her of her family even though they had never seen the book. She took it with her to the Hubermann's house where she kept it under her pillow not caring what it held inside but once she found out it had changed her life even more and she fell in love. Even after her brother had died he helped her find words and really opened her up to a whole new

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