
Why Is The Crusades Successful

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The Crusades were a both successful and unsuccessful group of Christians that would go to war in the name of God and protection for his land. The Crusades were around between the 11th and 15th centuries, in my opinion they were very unsuccessful with spreading christianity but they still did some things right. The Crusades were very unorganized and didn't know how to form a good alliance, they were irresponsible as well but as a result of this, the Crusades, in other points of view, would be a persistent group that might've helped spread Christianity.

The Crusades gained Jerusalem in such a short time, but what they gained so quickly was slowly but steadily lost, in my opinion, the Crusades should not have lost something so fast if they were planning to expand a belief beyond their home. I believe that this was a result of some of the people crusading, for some, according to, the First Crusade was an excuse to unleash savage attacks in the name …show more content…

They held territory significantly far from home, which meant they were easier to overrule but it never did happen, along with that,The Crusades faced many obstacles. The Crusaders, like their leaders, were not very fond of each other either, they would faction themselves and didn't get along with each other too well. But regardless of that, people may argue that The Crusades were persistent, and that was how they might've helped spread Christianity.

To conclude, The Crusades were not successful in spreading Christianity due to their irresponsibility and unorganization. But some might argue that The Crusades were persistent which has some valid areas of encouragement, however I still believe that The Crusades were not successful. Were it not for my valid areas of discouragement, I would've agreed that the Crusades were successful. All of these facts were taken from:

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