
Why Is Socrates Dangerous

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Socrates believed in asking a lot of questions and finding evidence to prove any beliefs, instead of obeying the rules that were already enforced. This worried the people in the Athenian society because they felt that Socrates ideas could be dangerous to the young.
Socrates had his own beliefs, he did not follow the belief of the gods like everyone else. This was considered dangerous because Socrates asked questions about everything to further his knowledge. The people was frightened because they wanted everyone to follow the same belief in the Athenian society and they knew socrate disobeyed that rule. In the Apology Socrates stated “ I have hidden or disguised nothing. I know well enough this very conduct makes me unpopular...that such is the slander against me”, this shows that Socrates was known for not being afraid of expressing his thoughts. He spoke to people about his beliefs and ask others about theirs, like he did with Euthyphro because he wanted to know more about it. They knew they couldn't control him with their rules. …show more content…

They wanted the young people in their society to follow the beliefs and rules of the gods, which can mentally create them a slave. If Socrates were to influence them, they'll began to ask more questions about what the gods believe and that can lead them to creating their own belief. If more and more people began creating their own beliefs less people will obey the beliefs of the gods and they’ll have less people that they can control. During his trial Socrates stated “ ...or is it obvious from your deposition that it is by teaching them not to believe in the gods…”. This shows that meletus believed that Socrates beliefs were going to teach the young not to believe in the gods at all. To them, anything other than teaching the young the beliefs of the gods were teaching that there is no

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