
Why Is Social Media Considered Propaganda

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Social Media: is it considered propaganda? Today, the internet truly is the most dominant and developed way to spread propaganda in the World because not only do we use the Internet to google or email, but in todays society social media is taking over and tweeting, retweeting, liking, or even making a status update, is just another form of disseminating propaganda. On social media today ones opinion or their way of thinking, to them the "correct" way, is quite apparent to the rest of the world. For example, when a person is religious, ordinarily that belief will be evident in what they share or what they post, that person is spreading their beliefs, hoping their share will influence others to believe the same. According to Phil Taylor …show more content…

For instance Sheldon Rampton, american editor and author, also the author of the article "Has the Internet Changed the Propaganda Model?", believes that "television is still the main medium through which Americans get their information about the world" (Rampton). Rampton then gives his opinion on how he believes the internet influences propaganda, he states, "new media such as the internet will undoubtedly continue to grow in importance as time progresses, but their actual impact to date is still limited" …show more content…

Not all of propaganda is the "[..] insidious, deceptive, manipulative pattern of negatively influencing behavior that many people consider it to be" (Johnston). For example propaganda, issued through the internet and acting as advertising, can benefit companies and help promote their business. Sheldon Rampton agrees with this statement, "The ad-based media receive an advertising subsidy that gives them a price-marketing-quality edge, which allows them to encroach on and further weaken their ad-free (or disadvantaged) rivals"

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