
Why Is Princess Diana Considered A Game Changer

Decent Essays

What makes a person a game changer? A person is a game changer because of the way they believe in a better world and try their best to help that world emerge. They want to make a change, they inspire hope, show compassion, even if it is indirect, and they are loved. They would rather make a difference than be in power. That is why Princess Diana is considered a game changer, she even says: “I’d like to be a queen of people’s hearts but I don’t see myself being queen of this country.” Princess Diana is also considered a game changer because she changed the way that people viewed the Royal Family; showed that even though one is rich, one can show compassion; and she raised the new generation of Royalty to love and inspire people as well as be …show more content…

“Diana was, as those who met her knew, a great giggler, a very human and appealing trait, and she did have what is often described as a ‘common touch’.” the author describes Diana more by saying, “She was dreadfully normal!” (Owen 86) With this specific description of the Princess it implies that the royal family did not typically act like that, that they did not show much of their personalities. She loved to show that she was just as normal as everyone else and that she did not have to go by the royals unspoken rules about stuff like that. The author, Nicholas Owen, also says,“Her remarks were typical of her honesty and gave a vivid glimpse into her private life.” (Owen 88) This shows that it was not uncommon for the Princess of Wales to share her opinion and show it with honesty. It makes it seem like she was looking for comfort in her own kind of way, since she could not find comfort by herself. “One charity worker said she never shied away from leaving the appointed route through the hospital ward and - out of sight of the cameras and out of range of the microphones - offering comfort and conversation to someone who perhaps had not expected to meet her.” (Owen 88) the author reverberates the workers’ words. She loved and cared for people deeply and she did not mind showing it, even if no one else was around to witness it. With …show more content…

She raised her sons to love and inspire people. She showed them the motherly love that she herself had not received and anyone in the Royal family has ever been shown. The author recounts, “Diana kissed them and hugged them hard. Motherly love could hardly be clearer. Contrast that scene with a similar situation a generation earlier. When Diana’s mother-in-law, the Queen, returned from foreign travel she would greet a young Charles with a handshake.” (Owen 77) Diana loved her kids more than anything in the world, even if her relationship with their father did not work out. She knew she wanted to play a major role in how the young princes grew up, and she most definitely did. Both of Diana’s little princes show the “contradictory sides of their mother’s personality.” (Owen 76) Harry is a charmer, like his mother, while William is sensitive and finds it challenging to deal with the media attention. Both sides of their mother that each boy shows will be helpful to them in the future with their different responsibilities. It also helps them because they both got compassion and a strong instinct from their mother as well. “William and Harry were truly the cornerstone of her life. So much so, it was wanting to be near them that kept her in Britain, when other parts of the world without such intrusive media and tougher privacy laws, often seemed more appealing to her.” (Owen 77)

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