
Why Is Oskar Schindler Considered An Essential Worker?

Decent Essays

Schindler’s List is a movie about a man named Oskar Schindler who uses Jewish people to work for him in his factory. He was a part of the Nazi party so he could be in the political people’s good graces and to become rich during World War II. You could say that his purpose was only to become rich if all you saw was the beginning or the first half of the movie. That wasn’t what the purpose throughout the movie, however. Towards the end of the movie, which is also when World War II came to a close, Schindler ended up saving over one thousand Jews and at first he didn’t even realize that he was saving them because he was mainly focused on business. Later on in the movie he would be intentionally saving many Jews from being killed and wished he would have saved more. …show more content…

The first instance where he was being aware of his good doings was when a one armed man came up to him. The man was hired to work in Schindler’s factory and he was thanking him for hiring him. He repeatedly kept telling Schindler and Stern that Schindler has saved his life by making him an essential worker. Being an essential was important for the Jews that he hired because what this did was help them stay out of death camps and treated like the other millions of Jewish people. Schindler didn’t realize that what he was doing was helping just by the workers but he also realized it by other actions

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