
Analysis Of Oskar Schindler's Changing Identity

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Part I: Oskar Schindler’s Changing Identity: 1. Oskar Schindler’s identity drastically changes from the beginning to the end of the movie. At first, Schindler was a greedy, selfish, and rich man, who was a member of the Nazi party and profited from the war. He also was a womanizer who constantly cheated on his wife. He only cared about making money and he only hired Jewish workers because they were cheaper. He saved his workers initially because he did not want to pay to train other workers and protected them since he believed that their welfare impacted his business. He saw Jewish people differently than other Germans, he saw them as workers, and he inadvertently developed a reputation for kindness. He did not do this at first to be a …show more content…

He witnessed the terrible treatment the Jews faced, yet did nothing to stop it. He was most clearly a bystander when he watched the liquidation of the ghettos on top of a hill. However, that was a moment that changed Schindler after seeing the girl in the red coat and realizing that he had to save the people. He slowly became an upstander in the labor camp as he saved many people by bringing them to his factory where they were safer. He treated his workers well and began to see them as people and care about them. He got his own sub-camp in order to protect them more and spent his entire fortune to save as many people as he could. His workers viewed him as a hero and he was most visibly an upstander when he led his workers to safety to his factory away from the labor camp. At his own factory, he banned the guards from harming any Jews and it was a safe haven for them. He risked everything to save the woman and children who were accidentally redirected to Auschwitz. He bribed and cheated at first to get what he wanted, but then he did it to save as many Jews as possible. An upstander is someone who does something to stop and prevent acts of injustice when witnessing it. This his was his transformation from bystander and perpetrator, to upstander and saving his Schindler Jews. Part II: Bystanders, Perpetrators, Upstanders, Victims 3. In the movie

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