
Why Is Oskar Schindler Considered An Anti Hero

Decent Essays

Oskar Schindler was a born and raised in Germany, he was a member of the Nazi party and also a very successful business man at the time, owning a few factories. Given this description, no one would ever suspect that Oskar Schindler saved the lives of 1,200 Jews by giving them jobs at his pots and pans factory and later on weapons factory. In the movie Schindler’s List, a lot of events were depicted in which a viewer would predict they changed Oskar. In the beginning of the film Oskar Schindler was the anti-hero, for example Schindler was an alcoholic, and a womanizer who cheated on his wife. But as the movie moved on Oskar became the hero for many Jews for many reasons, he saved the Jews by using his money and power, he provided them with jobs, …show more content…

The events that changed Oskar from being a anti-hero to a hero include when he seen the little girl in the red coat in the beginning and then when he seen her dead in a mass grave amongst all the corpses, watching the Jews being murdered, thrown into mass graves, and then burned, Isaac thanking him for food, and when he is given the gold ring . In the film, there is a scene where Schindler is shown casually riding his horse, when the horse galloped past the Nazi soldiers started shooting randomly at the Jewish people not caring who they hit and there was a little girl in a red jacket . This scene definitely changed Schindler because in the film, you could clearly see the sadness that was flushed upon his facial features when he saw these innocent humans being murdered for their ethnic background; which is something that they can not control. You could tell that this scene changed Schindler; it resulted in him saving 1,200 Jews, this was the scene that sparked the idea of using the Jews as workers for his factories, this was the scene that made Oskar think “what can I do to help save the Jews lives or at least keep them away from this inhumane

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