
Why Is Eczema Important

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ECZEMA AND PROBIOTICS Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic allergic disorder that mainly involves the skin (Sears 89). As reported in, The Allergy Book, “of all the allergic disorders…eczema is the most troublesome to treat” (89). In addition, eczema care is much more than skin deep; the whole body must be healthy to minimize eczema (Sears 98). Our immune system’s response to allergens is what causes millions of us to suffer from allergic disorders (Sears 3). In addition, epidemiologic data showed that atopic children have a different intestinal flora from that of healthy ones (Ozdemir par. 4). Researchers are beginning to link the introduction of probiotics as an effective way to treat/or prevent eczema. Per Dr. Ozdemir, children who …show more content…

5). Probiotics are bacteria that are native to your digestive tract, which means, they are normally found in healthy small and large intestines and can influence the mucosal barrier (the inner lining of the digestive tract), which in turn can affect immune system functions ( par. 2). Lack of a sufficient mucosal barrier allows food and environmental antigens to cross over into the blood stream, activating the immune system and leading to hyperactivity, which is the hallmark of eczema conditions (par. 2). This is an example of how usage of probiotics can improve conditions within the intestinal tract, and in turn reduce eczema symptoms. Unaltered probiotics such as Lactobacillus GG, with its anti-inflammatory powers, may help prevent the development of eczema and other allergic disorders (Sachs 230). The first clue that gut bacteria could play a role in risk for developing eczema came in the discovery that breastfed babies have a reduced incidence, prolonged onset and decreased severity to eczema

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