
Why I Want To Study In Social Work

Decent Essays

I am motivated to study this course as I relish helping people who are in need or come from a disadvantaged background and I believe that this degree will allow me a career in doing so. One aspect of social work that I am particularly passionate about is that at it gives an opportunity to observe social injustice or inequality and then provide the opportunity to make positive alteration to an individuals life. I am highly anticipating further study in the psychology modules and how they relate to human development and social work.

Currently I work as an Auxiliary nurse in a busy Orthopaedic and Trauma ward, consequently this involves working with a diverse range of people from a range of different backgrounds, cultures and with varying ability. …show more content…

I regularly have to use an empathetic approach when communicating with patients to understand their wishes, needs and preferences; however it is paramount to maintain a professional relationship, to set boundaries between myself and the individual and to not get too emotionally involved. Over my time working in social care I have found that boundary setting is important as it allows you as a member of staff to provide the best quality of care possible to all patients equally. Active listening as well as utilising a person centred approach is a skill I use on daily basis as means to establish trust with a patient, to discover valuable details about them as an individual and to help gain insight into their unique circumstance. As I often work with individuals’ with cognitive impairments such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s or patients who are frustrated by an unplanned admission into hospital; it is important to be socially perceptive and to be able to read facial expressions, body language, tone of voice and social cues. I think this skill will be invaluable in a social work setting as it gives me the ability to sense if a situation has the potential to become volatile. Through my time in college I have improved upon my networking and time management skills by engaging with a range of individuals from different educational backgrounds and age ranges and communicating with them effectively. Additionally I have put in place a study plan to aid time

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