I sit here staring at the screen of my computer trying to determine which programs to apply for and if I will apply to college or university. Deciding my future is so difficult. A few months ago you would have never caught me even considering college. I had also never considered recreation and leisure. It was not until I began my co-op in July 2016 that I finally began to consider recreation and leisure as an option. When I first decided to do the co-op program as a recreation assistant at a retirement home, I thought it would be an easy two credits, a way out of getting a summer job and something fun to do in July during the summer holidays. While my first reasons to participate in the co-op program were correct, my co-op experience was much more than that. I loved the relationships I created with the residents and the activities I participated in. My experience had my mind thinking this could be a future career for me. Further, when I began to consider recreation and leisure, I had only considered it from a university perspective. That was until my third week at Guelph Lake Commons when I spent a day with the firefighter changing the smoke …show more content…
I had never really considered college; I guess I just figured I would go to university; however, Josh made some really good points. It is a waste of money to do something so general in university for four years to end up with nothing in the end. Recreation and leisure is available in colleges for a lot less money than in university. This may be the perfect comparison for university and college. It is very probable that in university it is more learning about recreation than it is participating in recreation like in college. My head is spinning and I am very confused. Now not only do I need to determine what I want to do in the future, but I need to decide if I want to go to college or
During their highschool years, students often look forward to college. Not necessarily as a step towards a career, but as an experience. Over the years, the media sells teenagers the idea of the ‘’college experience’’. They promote it through movies, tv shows and ads. It’s made out to be this amazing transcendental and essential part of life. Miss out on it, and you’ll have missed out on your youth. It’s not only media though, older relatives and peers, influenced by the media, further influence teens. They talk of their own cool college stories and how much fun it’ll be once you’re there. Is your main reason for going to college to live this experience? Then let’s see if it’s worth it.
Have you ever thought of going to college and how your own life would change if you attend. College provides a lot for the ones that want to go to college. College puts you in the right place and start in life. There’s so many thing you can study and be in life. Although there are people who think college is a wasted of time and money.
The biggest change in my schedule is due to the fact that I only get 2.25/3 hours daily. Because of this, I sometimes have to get up early to go in the morning to make up those extra hours which is quite difficult when it is not a regular routine but worth it because I get more in class experience. Luckily for me, I did not have to do anything to my current schedule to accommodate for CO-OP. Since I only have one in-class, class it makes my life with CO-OP a whole lot easier in some ways… The only thing that could be better is if my one class wasn’t in the middle of the day because I then have to travel to Meadowbrook then to Huron and then back to Meadowbrook again. If my class was in the morning it would make things easier, however, I am
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
One of the most mutual questions young adults ask themselves is if college is really worth the expense. Going to college can conclude the rest of your life. Not going to college can have many effects on where your future leads you. Nevertheless, a lot of jobs in today’s society require very minimum education. Attending college is something that needs to be carefully thought about. When you resolve to either go or not to go to college you should be thinking of what kind of cash you are proposing to make during your career.
Many students are faced with the decision of whether they want to attend college, and their choice could either lead them into thousands of dollars of debt or a reliable, well-paying career. There are many deciding factors that need to be considered when choosing whether to continue education or start working. College is difficult and expensive, so if someone is not willing or able to complete college, it could be a waste of money. After evaluating your skills and what makes you happy, it is important to realize which career will be most beneficial. This career could require several years of college, or it could just require a high school diploma. Finding out what is best for you will help you develop a better future and a happier life. There are reasons why college is not worth it, why college is worth it, and why I think college is beneficial.
When it’s time to starting making solid decisions about enrolling in college, many people have questions about how to choose a college major. Selecting a
This is my first year in college and I'm currently an exploratory. At first, I had an idea of what path I want to take after high school. I didn't know what exactly I wanted to achieve, but I undoubtedly want to do something in a medical field. Human's body is quite fascinating to me, but after spending time volunteering at the hospital, taking medical-related classes, and dissecting, I was unable to picture myself in the scrub, working breathlessly in the frantic hospital hallway. I am clueless about what I what to pursue in the future, but I believe that the eighteen years old me still have a lot of potentials and opportunities. This is why I'm in Santa Fe, I deem that community college would be a better option for me to slowly explore and finding out about what I want to proceed in the future.
Many people have decided to go a different direction for a career path and still come out very successful. There are many government employees, millionaires, and celebrities who have never went to college and, yet they have created a happy and successful lifestyle for themselves. An example of why college isn’t always the best answer would be a friend of mine. He went to University of Phoenix and got a degree, but he never used it because the jobs he applied for said he was over qualified and couldn’t be hired. Still this day he has not used his degree and now works as a government employee. So, if you think college may not be the life for you, don’t stress about
College is a place where individuals learn lifelong skills and meet some of their best friends and it’s a place of transition into the real world. However; is college worth the time, money and commitment one has to acquire. Also questions also arise if colleges help students well enough land their desired job inside their career choice. College is a great place for some people; however, it may not be all that great of a place after looking deeper into the questions people have for it.
Pursue a fun career! After one finishes off their high school career with a high school diploma they should plan to attend college. Life is suddenly going to change for them. They do not have to be exactly sure on their career but it is really great to have a good idea on what career to pursue. Career choices will determine how life will be depending on what career is chosen. It would be good to pursue a career in Parks and recreation. When researching the career of Parks and recreation it is important to include the history of the career, the education required, and the positive and negatives of the career.
When you graduate high school you have your choice of what kind of an education you want to get. You have your choice of going to a 4-year university, or a 2-year college. In order to decide you will compare the two and use the comparisons to come up with your final decision. Questions to ask yourself would be, what are you looking for in college, how do you want to learn, and how much money do you have to work with. Comparing University and Community college the first thing that comes to mind is the difference in price. Certain Universities are more expensive than others. The difference in price is because of the difference in price and size, also because of the difference in the
Working as a User Experience (UX) designer in the tech industry has been my main career aspiration since I first started my co-op program. Having previously completed my second co-op term as a web and graphic designer for a biotech company - GenomeMe, I was eager to challenge myself and get a taste of what it is like to work as a UX designer in a tech company.
I knew I wanted to do this because I was very interested in sports my whole life. It wasn’t an easy decision in choosing a school, but I think I made the best choice based on my major right now. In a short essay “College? What’s in It for me?” by Steven M. Richardson, the author makes some very good points about college. Richardson states that there are a lot of reasons to not attend college, but furthermore states that attending college is your best bet at succeeding in life. Richardson states “The biggest reason for not going, probably, is that college costs money” (169). On the other hand, he states, “The decision to attend college is an investment in your future-a risk, certainly, but one with a big payoff if it’s the right decision for you” (171). These are the things I had to think about along with millions of high school-students before making my decision on what I wanted to do with my life. Choosing a college is only the first part of the decision making process. What I want to do for the rest of your life is the question that the majority of high school students will ponder. As Richardson states, choosing a college as well as choosing a major is definitely an investment. The way you handle that investment is up to you. If you handle it correctly your investment will pay off immensely in the end (171). This is why I chose Athletic Training as my major.
So, you have decided you want to go to college. Do you know what your options are? Read on to get a brief look at what these options have to offer and see what the pros and cons of each choice are. Every student is different and is looking for the type of college that fits them the best. Learning style and personal study preferences tend to assist in making the right choice. Attending college on a campus or online have similar outcomes but differ in how students attend class, complete class work, and interact with teachers and classmates. The decision is yours to make.