
Why Grammar Is Important

Decent Essays

Grammar is a very important skill to master in life. It is a skill that will be judged to get a person a job. Grammar is important in every job, even if it it’s not in the job description. Employers will think twice about hiring an employee that can’t use correct grammar. They will judge a person’s knowledge through someone’s grammar. If a person uses poor grammar, use slang words, and use acronyms, such as “lol” or “yolo”, in a résumé or a job interview, then employers will think that person is not fit for the job because they assume that person has a low IQ or no education. Kyle Weins, the CEO of iFixit has said in an article that he won’t hire anyone with poor grammar, saying he “will pass up a great programmer who can’t write” (Weins 2). He also said that even if grammar isn’t …show more content…

Grammar is an important skill you need to have to get through a job interview. Also, believe it or not, grammar gets the girl. Grammar is a good indicator of a person's intelligence and using bad grammar usually makes a person seem uneducated. Using good grammar is a way to tell a girl that a person is smart, especially on online dating sites. Online dating websites are getting more and more popular every year. Sites such as eHarmony are opportunities to meet others and take them out for dinner. Guys usually have a description of themselves and what they've done in their life, but if James from Tennessee has a description with many grammatical errors, he wouldn't look attractive and probably won't get a date. Girls would just see you as "to dumb to date" (Englund 251). If a guy is trying to flirt through text messaging, misspells many homophones, misuses his their, there, and they're's, then the girl probably wouldn't be interested to a guy who is dumb. Grammar can help you get the girl, guys. Some people might say grammar isn't important in life because it doesn't make a person sound or make a person smarter. That is false because grammar is a great indicator of

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