We all say thank you everyday in life, either it's because someone held the door open for you or shared their piece cookie with you. We say it because we appreciate them putting us before them. It shows someone cares and someone is willing to be late for work by letting me come into the lane during rush hour. Thanksgiving is great for that reason. I get to hear about how much I mean to someone or many people by the simples things I do daily but to them it means the world. Its countless the amount of things i'm thankful for, knowing someone out there is wanting the things i have and my life to them is a fairy tale. There is many people out there in the world who on this very day dont have a great home cooked meal like i do or even loved ones to share it with makes me thankful and sad at the same time. I'm not gonna lie sometimes i'm not always thankful every minute of the day like i should be but that's something i'm improving and the people i'm glad to have in my life know they mean the world to me. …show more content…
He works hours and hours daily just so i can get what i need or want in life. Just the little things he does mean the most to me. Him taking the time to drive me to school in the morning so i dont freeze waiting for the bus makes me thankful to have someone who cares about me and my fingers during winter. He is my biggest motivation in life due to him telling me how i should always put in effort when it comes to school or anything. How proud he is of me and how proud he will be when i become someone who matters in this world and is successful. Realizing i have someone who will always be there when i need support and is gonna be there to celebrate with me is something i'm thankful
In conclusion everyday we feel gratitude for something sometimes not even knowing it and it is a big thing in our lives that affects us a lot. People getting something for you, your parents buy you something that you want or just something happens that is just makes you happy and it makes you feel
Thanksgiving is a very important holiday in present-day American culture. People all throughout America take extra care to make this day a memorable and happy celebration. This tradition has been in the American lifestyle since 1621 when it first started. Even though this tradition has been altered and changed the significance and meaning remains the same. The first Thanksgiving was an important landmark and made a huge imprint in the American culture today.
Far too often in our selfish-minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent. However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with
Thanksgiving isn't only just about fun, it's also about being thankful for such a blessed life and bonding closer with family. It's great to be together, and we are lucky to have such an amazing life. We are all thankful for the many years of family and fun in our lives to
Thanksgiving to me means family time and a chains to be thankful for all we have our family, our wonderful country, and all the things we are blessed to have. Every year we go to our Mimi’s and Papa’s for thanksgiving, it is my family, my Mimi and Papa, and my Uncle's family. As soon as you walk through the door you can smell the wonderful aroma of food, and when you walk into the kitchen you can see a table adorned with an abundant amount. Then we all gather around the table and pry as we thank god for all he has given use and then we get our plates so we can serve ourselves. While we are eating we have some comical conversations that makes us laugh, we also talk about what we have been doing.
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all of our rights and the things that we have. We are very thankful to come home every day to a nice home with food and water, some people don’t have the nice things that we have. The rights that I am thankful for as a citizen of this country are the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech.
Are you thankful for something? Well I am. I’m thankful for a roof over my head, good health, and family. Being thankful is when you express your gratitude and relief to others that do a lot for you. You can show someone you're thankful by doing the littlest things. So this Thanksgiving show someone how thankful you are. It doesn’t even have to be Thanksgiving, you can thank someone anyday. You can show thanks by baking cookies for a loved one, or you could even just tell someone thanks. I hope you take what I just told you, and go thank someone, because it’s not that hard. Now I’m going to tell you what I’m thankful for and why.
When the great holiday of Thanksgiving comes to mind, most people think of becoming total gluttons and gorging themselves with a seemingly unending amount of food. Others might think of the time spent with family and friends. The whole basis of the holiday is family togetherness, fellowship, and thankfulness for blessings received during the previous year.
To begin with, I am thankful for my family. The first reason I am thankful for my family is that they are all hard workers. All my family memebers work really hard to keep everything up and running smooth. Another reason why I am thankful for my family is that they are very dependable. It is a great feeling to know that you have so many people that are by your side at all times. All of my family members are very caring people and I am very lucky to have that. For example, when you into the room everyone asks how you are doing and how your day has been so far. I am very lucky to have such dependable, caring, and hardworking people in my life.
*Share a photo of your teams' favorite dish* We can’t get enough of our ______! #MorrisonEats
Every year before I eat the big Thanksgiving meal, I stop and think about what I’m thankful for. My family, friends, and health are important to me.
I believe in that because In my religion, Islam, thanksgiving is not only a particular religious act or service; it is the whole life. The whole life should be lived in obedience to our God 'Allah'. He has been good to us and so in our thankfulness we should worship Him,
Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to your life and everyone and everything in it. Thanksgiving is thought of in different ways and is celebrated in unlike ways. Families have divergent meals, places that they visit on Thanksgiving, and activities that they enjoy taking part in on Thanksgiving. Overall, no matter what traditions there are, what meals you have, or the activities enjoyed on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is truly a wonderful holiday.
Showing gratitude towards others is a great way to express good character. Being thankful and showing appreciation for those in our lives helps us strengthen our character and show others the good in ourselves. Being grateful is also a way of being humble and allowing others to see that we don’t think we are better than them. Gratitude can sometimes be hard to find, but there are many ways to show how grateful we are. Thank you cards, gift baskets, personal thank you’s, gifts, and small acts of kindness are great ways to show the people in our lives that we
Gratitude keeps you in a spiritual state where you are thanking something or someone for being there for you, blessing you, and helping you.