Every year before I eat the big Thanksgiving meal, I stop and think about what I’m thankful for. My family, friends, and health are important to me. One reason why I love my family thankful for my family is because they forgive me. I’m really clumsy, I break or drop or spill everything in sight. But they forgive me. Like when I dropped my mom’s favorite picture frame, she forgave me. I am also thankful for them because They love me. Another reason why I thankful for them is because I’m a sore loser, so whenever I lose at something they cheer me up. Like one time I lost a soccer game 1-0 an hour away. When we were driving home my dad bought me a donut and hot chocolate. I’m also thankful for my friends. One reason I thankful for them
Thanksgiving to me means family time and a chains to be thankful for all we have our family, our wonderful country, and all the things we are blessed to have. Every year we go to our Mimi’s and Papa’s for thanksgiving, it is my family, my Mimi and Papa, and my Uncle's family. As soon as you walk through the door you can smell the wonderful aroma of food, and when you walk into the kitchen you can see a table adorned with an abundant amount. Then we all gather around the table and pry as we thank god for all he has given use and then we get our plates so we can serve ourselves. While we are eating we have some comical conversations that makes us laugh, we also talk about what we have been doing.
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all of our rights and the things that we have. We are very thankful to come home every day to a nice home with food and water, some people don’t have the nice things that we have. The rights that I am thankful for as a citizen of this country are the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech.
Thanksgiving Essay Why is an individual thankful? Is it for food? Water? Family?
Thanksgiving is an important part of our history.This picture was taken in autum of 1621 at the first Thanksgiving dinner. The event was located in southeastern Massachuchutes and eastern Rhode Island.The piligrams are the people who ran this event. They celebrted this for their religion. They did this particular holiday to celebrate the colonys first successful harvest. Piligrams are the English colonists. They are people who travled very far to find a "holy place." The newly arrived Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians gathered at Plymouth for an autumn harvest. In this day it was a three-day traditition. As you see in te picture, food is being brought out. Food is being served and their are many jars or containers. We have
Are you thankful for something? Well I am. I’m thankful for a roof over my head, good health, and family. Being thankful is when you express your gratitude and relief to others that do a lot for you. You can show someone you're thankful by doing the littlest things. So this Thanksgiving show someone how thankful you are. It doesn’t even have to be Thanksgiving, you can thank someone anyday. You can show thanks by baking cookies for a loved one, or you could even just tell someone thanks. I hope you take what I just told you, and go thank someone, because it’s not that hard. Now I’m going to tell you what I’m thankful for and why.
Please join us as we celebrate Thanksgiving our girls will be serving a wonderful array of foods of course we'll have turkey and dressing mashed potatoes and all the fixings dessert and tea and linade.
The Wampanoag brought popcorn to the first Thanksgiving feast. Basically this myth means that on the first thanksgiving the Wampanoag brought popcorn to the first Thanksgiving. The truth about this myth is that they actually didn’t bring popcorn. There’s nothing true about this myth there’s the Wampanoag’s didn’t bring popcorn simple as that. It reveals that people are easily tricked if they believed this myth. And there mindset is easy to be changed.
Walking out of the front door sights of yellow, orange, and bright red autumn leaves flow in the wind like tiny dancers. The feeling of warm air and smells like hot apple cider symbolizing a new season and new traditions. Many people have different memories from their fall traditions that will teach future generations to come. Traditions are very important in society. Regardless of race or religion, all parts of the world follow many diverse traditions, such as Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of America's most treasured holidays and traditions. While there are some constants in the way we observe the day, it can mean different things to different people. As part of my human experience, my family and I celebrate the holiday of harvest and
“Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” As said in www.verybestquotes.com is a perfect example of why thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, thanksgiving is the day when most people enjoy and appreciate what they have, they get together with family give to others in need like food to eat and many other goods. But the main reason I picked thanksgiving is because of the food, thanksgiving for me is described as all my favorite foods put together into one day. Thanksgiving for me is usually wake up go to twelve clock mass, at one PM we arrive at my grandma’s house at one thirty PM I start to eat and after that it gets scary.
About a week before Thanksgiving The Magalia Community Church hosts a free turkey dinner for anyone who would like to attend. The Church was built in 1896 and most of the people that go to this annual event are from that era.
The most delicious meal of the year has got to be on Thanksgiving day. I look forward to it all year and while I love Thanksgiving for other reasons too, food is high up there on the list. I purposely wear some pants that are loose in the waist and a shirt that is forgiving around the stomach. My favorite thing is when I walk into my aunt's house and the smells of scrumptious food creeps in your nose and gives you are warm feeling in your heart. The traditional meal for me every year is a little different from most people's’ meals because I’m extremely picky. So when I round up my plate it consists of a beautiful spiral ham piece cooked to perfection and has a sweet bacon taste that is out of this world. Then I pile on the mash potatoes and
Thanksgiving has brought people together since America was colonized. It is a time for giving and counting your blessings. During this season, we should spend time with family and give thanks. I am thankful for many things in life. One of those things is my family. My family provides for me, nurtures me, and loves me. I am so grateful to my whole family but especially to my parents, because without them, I would not be here. My dad, no matter what the time, always lightens the air with a joke. Somehow he always puts a smile on my face and, up until now, i didn’t realize how important that is. My mom is the most hardworking person I know. She is up early in the morning on her computer and still manages to make breakfast and pack our lunches. Although the stress of having a full time job is tough, she still always My brother always wants me to play with him. From video games on Saturday mornings to reading with me at night, we
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Around the table my family greets me with kind smiles. The warm steam envelops me into a sickling appetizing craving for every plate. Golden brown baked macaroni, pumpkin pie oozing out butter and a limitless supply of sweet rolls complemented with diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. What’s not to love?
In 1620, a ship left Plymouth, England en route to the “New World”. The name of ship was the Mayflower. On board was 102 passenger along with religious items. In 1621, the Plymouth colonist and the Wampanoag indians shared what is to believed to be the first Thanksgiving meal. For the next two centuries, Thanksgiving was celebrated by individual colonies and states. A little known fact is Thanksgiving wasn’t recognized as a National holiday until 1863 by president Lincoln.
This Thanksgiving I have many things to be thankful for, and all for good reasons. But I am the most thankful for all the special people in my life because of what they do to help me. I am thankful for the most important people in my life, my family, my teachers, and my friends.