
Anabolic Steroids Essay

Decent Essays

In 1937, the invention of anabolic steroids were developed for synthetic hormone growth for those who lacked producing those hormones. The administration of anabolic steroids can be done though injecting it directly in your bloodstream or swallowing steroid capsules. Latter ways to use steroids is to apply transdermal skin patches. Anabolic steroids is the most common term used when referring to steroids, and there are two significant effects after use: enhances male characteristics(androgenic) and promotes cell growth(anabolism). The side effects of steroids are depended on the sex who uses it. Men, for example, experience the growth of small great tissues (gynecomastia) which can be removed through surgery. In addition to having low sperm count, shrinkage of the testicles, and baldness, these negative side effects are dentremetral to their health. On the other hand, women experience masculinity characteristics from the usage of steroids; they experience an abundance of hair growth, their voice becomes deeper, shrinkage of breasts, and the increase in size of their vagina occurs. Although the negative side effects depend on their gender, the most common negative characteristc in both male and female arehighblood pressure, kidney damage, acne, cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, and short temper. When …show more content…

And athletes loves when someone is looking at them when they are working out in the gym. Although, there are only a few who know a lot about steroids, but they use it still and they refer to it as using it intelligently. Other reasons for athletes to use steroid is to win at competitions. Ofcourse, many athletes have been caught and mostly it's because they did not feel like they have truly won. For instance, the cyclist, Lance Armstrong, used steroids throughout his career, but eventually he confessed to the

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