
Anabolic Steroids Summary Essay

Decent Essays

Thesis: Anabolic Steroids are powerful drugs that help the body gain mass, but also hurts the body with drastic side effects.

I. Basic Information
A. Anabolic Steroids Aid Body Growth
B. Have Drastic Side Effects

II. Side Effects of Steroids
A. Ways to tell somebody may be using steroids
B. Side effects of Steroids in Males
C. Side effects of Steroids in Females

III. Different Types of Anabolic Steroids
A. Oral Anabolic Steroids
B. Intravenous Anabolic Steroids

IV. Teen Usage
A. How teens obtain Anabolic Steroids
B. Why teens use Anabolic Steroids
1. Male Teen Usage
2. Female Teen Usage
C. Statistics of Usage by Age
D. Slang Terms for Steroids

VI. Are they Illegal
A. Countries in which Anabolic Steroids are …show more content…

In Canada and Australia, Anabolic Steroids are not illegal, but are highly discouraged. (Rogak 613.8)
Athletic Associations have taken the subject of Anabolic Steroid use very seriously. Major League Baseball currently enforces a strict code against the use of steroids. For a first positive steroid test, the player caught using the drug is suspended for ten games. For a second positive steroid test, the player caught using the drug is suspended for 100 games. Finally, for a third positive test, the player caught using steroids is given a lifetime ban from baseball. (
The National Football League currently enforces rules against steroids that for a positive test, the player caught using the steroids could be suspended for four games (
The National Collegiate Athletic Association also enforces strict rules against the use of steroids including being suspended from college sports to even being permanently banned. (
The Olympics currently enforce the harshest penalties of all of the Steroid restrictions. Steroid usage currently could earn the athlete caught using Steroids a lifetime ban and up to $100,000 fine for a minor infraction, and up to a $1,000,000 fine for serious breaches of the rules. (
Anabolic Steroids were

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