
Why Do Student Athletes Be Paid?

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Student athletes in extracurricular activities should not receive participation trophies. This is because the system would be incredibly redundant and an embarrassing display. Firstly, it creates a sense of false motivation that leads to entitlement. However, the trophies could not motivate the athlete to go above and beyond the next time around. Lastly, these "trophies" would reward those that did not try as hard as those that put more work and effort into the sport. Now, there are objections to this claim, such as it gives motivation for the recipient to come out again for the next year of the sport. As well, it can appropriately acknowledge that the recipient may have at least tried the best they could. However, the motivation that it gives the recipient can only lead to a feeling of entitlement, as though they deserve everything in life. Secondly, trying is one thing, but to succeed and have your hard work pay off is what should determine an athlete's success to warrant a …show more content…

It should be that genuinely enjoying and working hard at a sport should be what brings the athlete back next year. However, this system undermines the "reward greatness" aspect of most sport today. As well, it also influences the athlete to not try harder and just stick to where they're comfortable. In the end, it should be the athlete's own, fabricated motivation to strive for greatness that rewards them, not their coaches with a worthless trophy. Secondly, these trophies do not reward success. Rather, they say to the athlete, "you did good enough." However, doing "good enough" is not enough in supporting the team to ultimately reach goals and place in competitions. It is this success that other, more accomplished athletes reach that should be recognized. All in all, the trophy system for participators takes away from the concept of actually trying to be better than you can

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