Student athletes in extracurricular activities should not receive participation trophies. This is because the system would be incredibly redundant and an embarrassing display. Firstly, it creates a sense of false motivation that leads to entitlement. However, the trophies could not motivate the athlete to go above and beyond the next time around. Lastly, these "trophies" would reward those that did not try as hard as those that put more work and effort into the sport. Now, there are objections to this claim, such as it gives motivation for the recipient to come out again for the next year of the sport. As well, it can appropriately acknowledge that the recipient may have at least tried the best they could. However, the motivation that it gives the recipient can only lead to a feeling of entitlement, as though they deserve everything in life. Secondly, trying is one thing, but to succeed and have your hard work pay off is what should determine an athlete's success to warrant a …show more content…
It should be that genuinely enjoying and working hard at a sport should be what brings the athlete back next year. However, this system undermines the "reward greatness" aspect of most sport today. As well, it also influences the athlete to not try harder and just stick to where they're comfortable. In the end, it should be the athlete's own, fabricated motivation to strive for greatness that rewards them, not their coaches with a worthless trophy. Secondly, these trophies do not reward success. Rather, they say to the athlete, "you did good enough." However, doing "good enough" is not enough in supporting the team to ultimately reach goals and place in competitions. It is this success that other, more accomplished athletes reach that should be recognized. All in all, the trophy system for participators takes away from the concept of actually trying to be better than you can
As stated by author Parker Abate in the passage “In Youth Sports, Participation trophies Send a Powerful Message” Abate says that “watching a peer receive a trophy and not receiving one yourself can be degrading.” While there might be truth to this quote, the pros heavily outweigh the cons. Children learn from
Participation trophies boost youth athlete's self-confidence. In "Pros And Cons: A Look At Participation Trophies For Youth Athletes", by: Travis Armideo, giving everyone involved some level of recognition goes a long
Do you remember what it was once like to win a trophy? Those huge, golden statues that resembled an accomplishment that you completed? How happy you were when you received your very own trophy too? Everyone should be able to recall when you were once rewarded for any outstanding achievement that they've done. What if I told you, however, that the trophy you received when you were a child wasn't so special? That it was, in fact, a participation trophy, and every other child got one. Would it be so special now? That's the problem that kids are facing now with participation trophy's, due to its lack of being "one of a kind". I believe that because of its lack of being unique, a participation trophy shouldn't be required to be given out at our
Claim: While others may say that giving participation trophies to kids is good, I disagree. Participation trophies may seem beneficial at first sight as they are encouraging to young athletes and those who participate. However, I feel they are sending the wrong message to young kids. The message is that they don't have to try in any activity and they will still succeed. This eats away at the importance of striving for great accomplishments.
Some people got the wrong message. A student doesn't get an A just for going to class. An employee doesn't get a raise just for arriving to work on time. Shouldnt only hardest- Performing athletes get the accolades? If we keep giving the student athlete trophy then they will lose their meaning when everyone gets one. Some people emphasize that trophies are not an effective way for coaches to motivate players ''receiving a pat on the back and a thumps up from the couch.'' Any show of appreciation will make kids come back.
People hand out trophies all the time, right? If people continue to hand out trophies like candy, they become meaningless. “We begin to expect awards and praise just for showing up to class, practice, after-school jobs- leaving us woefully unprepared for reality” (Berdan). If trophies are handed-out for just showing
First of all, they dont try if it is for participation. If they are just getting trophies for doing the activity then they dont try are hard as they should. When i do sports i try as hard as i can because i want a trophy. If i got one for just doing the sport there would be no point in doing the sport because everyone would get a trophy but if not everyone is getting a trophy then you
The first reason is that the awards are given completely out of pity for the losing team or person. says that most of the participation awards are given out because they want the athletes to feel better about themselves(Website #1). Another claim that supports my side of the debate is that if children never fail, they will not be able to learn that you have to get back up and work hard for what you want. When the children of this time grow up and try to get a job, they will possibly get turned down several times and the kids are not going to know how pick themselves back up again. Participation trophies shown nt be given out because we need to teach children at a young age how to work hard for what they want to get to. The last reason participation trophies shouldn’t be handed out to kids is because kids are going to settle where they are and not try harder to get better, and eventually this will lead to children losing their passion for whatever sport they might be enrolled in. The general thought is that if kids don’t have anything to work towards then it will lead to many bad things in the long
Not everyone should get a trophy because trophies show that you did something good. If you win a tournament then you should get a trophy but if you come in last then you shouldn't. The people that don't get a trophy works harder to get a trophy. Again the people that win a tournament deserves to get a trophy because they won and the people that come last shouldnt get a trophy because when they fail it makes them work harder the next time. Trophies are only for the best because Trophies lose reasoning if everybody gets one it also improves kids motivation and kids need to learn how to fail.
In my life, I have received countless amounts of medals and awards for the various activities I had participated in. People thought that giving participation awards to children would make them feel better, but instead it made me feel worse. Trophies or medals should only be given when a person or a group of people have achieved the best. Therefore, when they look at these medals they remember when they came out on top, not when they almost came on top or didn't even have a fighting chance. This is the very case for me, yes I have a few medals that I actually earned, but most of my trophies just remind me of how awful I did. Participation trophies should absolutely not be given out in sports because they devalues the trophy, make the losers feel even worse, and even worse, they teach kids that they don't have to work hard for a medal.
To start participation trophies give athletes something to play for. Losing is tough but losing interest is easy, so if they are rewarded for trying they will want to try again to get rewarded and they may even win a real trophies. If athletes don't get a reward they will feel bad when they step on the play area. They may even quit just because of that feeling.
The problem with participation trophies is children think it is a good thing to receive participation trophies. Participation trophies only tells participant that everybody is a winner. Merryman explains, “Children need to know that we learn the most through failure and mistakes.” Without failure people would never learn to get back up and try harder. The mistakes they make during a game teaches them to adapt to their surroundings quickly and get back in the game. Maybe everyone is thinking that it has to do with self esteem if athletes like receiving trophies, but that statement has already been denied. “Kids with already high self esteem see the trophies as vindication they really are as wonderful as they see themselves.” (merryman). Athletes that
First of all, trophies can lose their meaning if they’re given to everyone. When I was in the early years of elementary in gym class, we would often play games such as soccer, basketball, and other activities the coaches made, but once every year, the school would hold a field day filled with sports and games. No matter what occurred, they would give out participation ribbons to everyone. This easily began to taste like mashed potatoes. For similar reasons, it’s best
Can u imagine working hard for something and someone earning the same trophy as you . I think student should not get a participation trophy for participating in sport . I think student should earn what they work for in life . If a student that didn’t work hard for to earn a trophy get the same trophy as some one else might sense the wrong idea in school . In life you have to work hard for something u want . When u get a trophy that means u are good at something . Sometimes its good to loose because it help u realize what u need to work on . if a student don’t get a trophy it might sense to them that they need to work harder . If a student is always getting participating trophy they might thing they are good enough even thought they are not
If you had a child participating on a soccer team and worked really hard to become the V.I.P for the season and at the end of the year when the team sets up a team award ceremony, everyone gets the same trophy. Is this okay? After reading numerous research articles, along with opinions on social sites, I have come to the understanding of both positive and negative aspects to whether awarding students who just participate in the sport right or wrong. To clearly portray the understanding of this topic researchers have extensively reviewed the psychology as well as the social issues this could or could not cause, such as social anxiety, or a warped sense of self. Giving a student an award for participating could make them feel as if they should be rewarded for basically doing nothing or doing the minimal standard, or it could be opposite and motivate the student to do better in order to be rewarded better.