
Participation Trophies Send A Dangerous Message By Betty Berden Summary

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Dangers of Participation Trophies In the Passage, “Participation Trophies Send a Dangerous Message” author Betty Berden speaks on his experiences with trophies and how everyone has them now. He goes on to explain that participation trophies are inherently bad in two main ways, such as diminishing the value of trophies earned to players who deserve them and reinforce the idea that everyone is a winner. Betty Berden shares this opinion with many children, parents, and coaches around the world. Trophies should only be awarded to those who earn them. Like many things in the world today, trophies have value. Just as the economy has limited money, trophies should be limited to winners. Berden explains this by saying that “Trophies used to be awarded only to winners but are now little more than party favors: reminders of an experience, not tokens of true achievement.” This shows the reader the importance of keeping trophies limited to winners. The idea of giving everyone trophies is equivalent to embracing the government to print more money. Trophies have an inherent value and meaning to those who worked hard to get them, but to give the same trophy to a player that did not contribute as much as a top player, it invalidates the hard work that the child has done and makes them question why they work hard. …show more content…

As stated by author Parker Abate in the passage “In Youth Sports, Participation trophies Send a Powerful Message” Abate says that “watching a peer receive a trophy and not receiving one yourself can be degrading.” While there might be truth to this quote, the pros heavily outweigh the cons. Children learn from

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