
Why Do Honors Testing Change Essay

Decent Essays

Why Honors Testing Needs a Change

When a test is the key to something that will progress your knowledge in significant

ways, you would want to make sure that it was testing you as accurately as possible. Honors

testing is a way to determine if a student has enough knowledge to do well in advanced classes.

The gateway to the honors program is through a test that is, in most cases, timed. Although many

students qualify for honors this way, it is likely that there are more who would as well if the

circumstances were different. Honors testing does not always identify someone with the potential

to be an “honors student.” Honors testing should change because of this, since the way the tests

are executed and how skill level is measured might not reveal that someone is ready for …show more content…

Finally, it is difficult to truly assess someone’s aptitude for a subject, especially when that class

is advanced, but that doesn’t mean we should not try to refine how the honors test determines

skill level for the future benefit of students.

Honors testing can be inadequate in finding all students capable of succeeding in

advanced classes, the testing should be revised because of the nature of the test and the way that

proficiency is measured for students who do not qualify when those classes are something they

need. Those students who are intelligent and can handle more work than what’s standard should

be able to take part in higher classes, they should not be held back by a test that doesn’t show

what they can really do. No, not every student who takes the honors test is prepared for that next

step up, but the ones who are should not be denied because of the way the tests are planned and

how they play out. Therefore, it’s extremely tough to conclude a person’s intellectual ability,

especially in the honors program where the test’s very environment causes pressure and

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