
Why Coaches Are Not True Essay

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Coaches are not true to themselves for many reasons. These include the goal of winning at all costs, bowing to pressures from parents and other outsiders, or even attempting to mimic the supposed successful methods of other coaches. While many of these influences can result in positive coaching delivery, they have to be taken into the context of the coach 's true experiences, values, opinions and beliefs. It is imperative to appreciate that the coach has a strong influence over the athletes he or she coaches .

It makes sense, therefore, to formulate a philosophy based on the coach 's aims, beliefs and personality. The objective of educating the athletes about how and why you coach and what you are trying to achieve develops trust and above all hopefully results in superior athletic performances.

It is important once you have formalized your coaching philosophy and given it to your athletes, parents and other interested parties, that you review it periodically and make changes if needed. Also it is important for you to keep your current coaching education and use what you learn to improve your philosophy. Study other coaches constantly for better ways to coach without dishonoring your basic personality, habits and ways of coaching.

Coaching is all about helping athletes achieve their dreams. It should be done positively and smartly and with passion. The positive coach and role model, following a well defined coaching philosophy will be a key ingredient in

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