
Why Are The 13 Colonies Important

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The Colonies By: Shadvi #3 What are the colonies? What are the colonies and why are they so important. There are 13 colonies in the United States of America. These 13 colonies are important because they are the beggining of America. Before the colonies people were still exploring America. After exploring America people started to claim land and start colonies. Once they were settled the colonies traded with different countries and even had wars with the native americans that were there at the colonies before the colonials settled. Finally we can’t forget about the pilgrims journey and how they wanted to make their own community. Trade Trade was a very important part of the colonies. With each colony there was something to trade. Some colonies grew cash crops such as Tobacco to trade …show more content…

Jamestown was named after King James 1 much like the James river. When the people settled they discovered that they weren’t alone. There were indians already living in Jamestown (the powhatans). Jamestown and the Powhatans lived at peace first separating the land so that half will belong to the Powhatans and the other half will belong to Jamestown. Jamestown at one point started getting more popular and the population changing. As more people came they started to spread out onto to the Powhatans lands. Powhatans lost more and more land. Finally in 1622, the Powhatans started attacking some of the colonists. They killed more than 300 hundred colonists just to defend their land. The colonists started fighting back though and the Powhatan wars had begun. The Powhatan wars continued which led to King James 1 to take over Virginia. Because of this Virginia became a royal colony and the king now owned the colony. To help him run the King James 1 picked a governor and made a House of Burgesses share

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