
Why Adolescents Join The Gang

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Low self-esteem, influenced by a peer, influenced by mass media, poor parenting and lack of social skills may under rooting adolescents joining the gang or even forming a small gang which directly or indirectly causing negative effects on both the adolescents themselves and the society.

Adolescents with low self-esteem usually will use different ways to seek attention. The reason why they would like to seek attention is because some perhaps the quality of attention is not important to them once they get, and so and so will draw forth adverse attention by making a scene in public, getting over-indignant about a trivial matter, causing heads to turn and tongues to wag, although some of the people will seek positive attention by creating positive situation which they hoped to be praised and awarded. So, joining a gangster or foaming a small gang will be a way to seek attention.

Besides, sense of security under average also may …show more content…

By research of different studies, adolescents are easily influenced by the peer or the group they belong to. In some studies, the reason why adolescents have this impact is because they would like to gain recognition or being in a group that makes them feel secure. One of the biggest reason why teenagers become one of the members of the gang is because of friends whether is schoolmate or people known on street. The reason why I would explain this as one of the biggest reason is because adolescents will not suddenly become a gangster without anyone ask them to join the gang. Usually, the teenagers will under pressure in those gangsters ask them to join the gang in the aspect or concern mentioned before. In some sense why they are easily be influenced by the peer is because they have relatively low believe in their own thoughts or a low self-esteem may also provoking this

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