
Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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In Romeo and Juliet {{Add the author}} there is several deaths but the big deaths that impact the story are Romeo and Juliets due to them being the main characters. There were many different causes for their deaths but a very large impact was family. Due to their families being sworn enemies there love was forbidden but they would not let anything come between them. The major cause of their deaths was due to the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio were very big for impacting the lives of Romeo and Juliet. The main cause for Juliet and Romeo`s death is due to the Prince. {{As the last sentence of your introduction, you need to address the prompt directly. This is a thesis. The thesis states your overall position on the prompt._____ is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet because ____, _____, and ____. Those 3 points will become the subject of the 3 body paragraphs.}} …show more content…

This means that you explain the overall idea you're going to discuss, as well as how it relates to the prompt.}} Juliet is a Capulet and Romeo is a Montague and for a very long time the two families have been enemies. Although all throughout the story we never found out why they were enemies of long time although both families are respected and loving people. The Capulets had a party and although they did not invite the Montague boys they still showed up causing Romeo and Juliet to fall in love. After the nurse had told Juliet he was a Montague she still loved him but she loved him in secret and also married him in secret. After the Tybalt had killed Mercutio Romeo was in such a crazed state he ended up killing Tybalt to get revenge for killing his cousin. Due to Romeo killing someone he was banished from Verona. This causes Juliet to go mad due to

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